The Military in Politics in Brazil

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference


King’s College London’s Brazil Institute and its partners held an online conference on May 27th and 28th, 2021, examining how Brazil’s military has come to hold such a contentious position within the country’s socio-political history and how this can help us advance the fields of civil, military and political relations.
Military involvement in Brazilian politics dates back to the origins of the Brazilian Republic itself. As academia and civil society are beginning to question the implications of these levels of ever-increasing militarization within a democracy, the different panels of our conference discussed the Brazilian military in historical perspective, the Brazilian military in the social imaginary, institutions, domestic, and foreign policy, and critical methodological approaches. On the second day of the conference, we held a series of parallel discussion rooms open to audience participation.
Period27 May 202128 May 2021
Event typeConference
LocationLondon, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Military in Politics in Brazil
  • civil military relations
  • Brazilian Studies
  • Brazilian History