King's College London
Organisational unit: Business Group
Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology
Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
UCL University College London
External organisation: UK other source
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale 'Amedeo Avogadro'
External organisation: EU other
KCH King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority
Royal Hosp Sick Children, University of Glasgow
External organisation: Unknown
Eastbourne Hospital
External organisation: Unknown
University of Oxford
External organisation: UK other source
University of Ljubljana
External organisation: EU other
Queen Mary University of London
External organisation: UK other source
University of Lausanne
External organisation: Non-EU other
Erasmus University Medical Center
External organisation: EU other
Kinki Univ, Kinki University, Sch Med, Dept Anat & Neurobiol
External organisation: Unknown
Univ Childrens Hosp, Inselspital, Dept Pediat Endocrinol Diabetol & Metab
External organisation: Unknown
Medical University Gdansk
External organisation: EU other
GSTT Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority