No photo of Elaine Elizabeth Irvine

Elaine Elizabeth Irvine

  • 1269


David Carling

  • Imperial College London

External person

Hind Al-Qassab

  • Imperial College London

External person

Linda Partridge

  • Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
  • UCL University College London

External person

Rachel L. Batterham

  • UCL University College London

External person

Dominic J. Withers

  • Imperial College London
  • MRC Medical Research Council

External person

Mathias Heikenwalder

  • Tech Univ Munich, Helmholtz Association, Technical University of Munich, Inst Virol, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich

External person

George V. Thomas

  • York Trials Unit, York University, York, UK.

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