Queen Mary University of London
External organisation: UK other source
Newcastle University
External organisation: UK other source
National University of Singapore
External organisation: Non-EU other
King's College London
External organisation: UK other source
St Thomas Hosp, Univ London Kings Coll
External organisation: Not specified
University of Warwick
External organisation: UK other source
Imperial College London
External organisation: UK other source
St Bartholomews Hosp, London
External organisation: Not specified
Inst Canc Res, Canc Genet & Epigenet Lab
External organisation: Not specified
Queen's University Belfast
External organisation: UK other source
University of Oxford
External organisation: UK other source
Christie NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority
Univ Georgia, Coll Pharm
External organisation: Not specified
Osped Santa Croce & Carle, Dept Med Oncol
External organisation: Not specified
Western General Hospital
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority
University of Glasgow
External organisation: UK other source
Kings Hosp, Univ London Kings Coll
External organisation: Not specified
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
External organisation: Non-EU other
No Ireland Canc Ctr, Ctr Canc Res & Cell Biol
External organisation: Not specified
Beatson Inst Canc Res
External organisation: Unknown
GSTT Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority