No photo of Mirsada Causevic

Mirsada Causevic


  • 766


Steven Lynham

Person: Professional Services

Latha Velayudhan

Person: Clinical

Raya Al-Shawi

  • UCL University College London

External person

David R. Howlett

  • King's College London

External person

Chantal Bazenet

  • King's College London

External person

Elena M. Ribe

  • University of Oxford

External person

Luigi Ferrucci

  • National Institute on Aging

External person

Hilkka Soininen

  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Kuopio Univ Hosp, University of East Finland
  • Schwerin and Neurology Department
  • Kuopio University Hospital
  • University of Eastern Finland

External person

Magda Tsolaki

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Memory and Dementia Centre
  • University of Leicester
  • AHEPA University Hospital
  • Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics

External person

Bruno Vellas

  • Univ Toulouse, INSERM U 558
  • Univ Toulouse, INSERM, U558
  • Univ Toulouse, CHU Toulouse, UMR INSERM 1027, Gerontopole
  • Northwestern University
  • INSERM, UMRS 1027
  • Univ Toulouse 3, Toulouse Gerontopole Univ Hopsital
  • HÔpitaux de Toulouse
  • University of Oxford
  • INSERM U 558, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
  • CHU Toulouse, CHU de Toulouse, Dept Med Genet
  • Université de Toulouse

External person

Jill C. Richardson

  • GSK GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Ltd

External person

Christian Spenger

  • Karolinska Institute

External person

K Lin

  • University of Oxford
  • Columbia University
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory

External person

Patrizia Mecocci

  • University of Perugia
  • Royal Society of Medicine
  • UCL University College London

External person

Iwona Kloszewska

  • Medical University of Lodz
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Medical University of Łódź

External person

Lars-Olof Wahlund

  • Karolinska Institute

External person

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