No photo of Suresh Swain

Suresh Swain


  • 755


A. Eniu

  • Cancer Institute Ion Chiricuta Cluj-Napoca
  • Hopital Riviera-Chablais

External person

F. André

  • Gustave Roussy Institute

External person

L J Fallowfield

  • Brighton and Sussex Medical School

External person

C.H. Barrios

  • Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group

External person

Matti Aapro

  • Genolier Cancer Center
  • European Cancer Organisation

External person

Ian Krop

  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

External person

G. Curigliano

  • European Institute of Oncology (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia)
  • Policlinico of Milan

External person

Bella Kaufman

  • Tel Aviv University

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E. Senkus

  • Gdansk Medical University

External person

Jean-Lou C. M. Dorne

  • European Food Safety Authority

External person

H. Meijer

  • Center Drug Research
  • Instituut Lorentz for Theoretical Physics
  • Institute of Biology Leiden

External person

N. Harbeck

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

External person

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