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StHuS: STopping HUman Sway
Di Giulio, I. (Primary Investigator)
2/12/2024 → 1/12/2026
Project: Research
Dynamic 3D super-resolution ultrasound imaging of micro-circulation and genetically encoded acoustic reporters in vivo’
Bewick, G. (Primary Investigator)
1/12/2024 → 31/05/2026
Project: Research
Investigating immune cell interactions in early fibrotic lung disease using spatial transcriptomics
Hewitt, R. (Primary Investigator) & Vigilante, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/2024 → 31/05/2026
Project: Research
Understanding the molecular regulation of erythroid cells that express both HBG1 and HBG2
Menzel, S. (Primary Investigator) & Stroumpoulis, J. S. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/2024 → 30/11/2027
Project: Research
Impact of immune checkpoint inhibitors on tissue resident T cells and consequences for organ toxicity
Wu, Y. (Primary Investigator)
1/12/2024 → 30/11/2025
Project: Research
Conflict Resolution Training sessions with indigenous women activists in Amazonia (Brazil)
Dinter, M. (Primary Investigator)
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/12/2024 → 28/11/2025
Project: Research
De-risking L: Efflux resistant antimicrobials to treat chronic respiratory infections - De-risking
Rahman, M. (Primary Investigator) & Amison, R. (Co-Investigator)
7/11/2024 → 31/05/2025
Project: Research
Experts by experience in social care organisations: how far do these roles involve a reciprocal exchange of learning and promote the social participation of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
Chinn, D. (Primary Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
4/11/2024 → 3/11/2025
Project: Research
The role of SETD1B in somatic hypermutation and germinal center physiology
Pavri, R. (Primary Investigator) & Vigilante, A. (Co-Investigator)
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
4/11/2024 → 3/11/2027
Project: Research
Can CBD be used to moderate tolerance to cannabis in very heavy users? A pilot study
Chesney, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2026
Project: Research
Disentangling a new paradigm for mutual homeostasis of aggregation-prone proteins
Miller, A. (Primary Investigator) & Ule, J. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2029
Project: Research
Social change or wellbeing: A balancing act at the margins
Drencheva, A. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 30/04/2026
Project: Research
Elucidating the pathophysiological link between coronary microvascular dysfunction and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Perera, D. (Primary Investigator), Chiribiri, A. (Co-Investigator) & Rahman, H. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2027
Project: Research
Causal Manipulations of the Cortical-Hippocampal Dialogue in Humans
Violante, I. (Primary Investigator)
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2029
Project: Research
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's share a common disease process: Increasing our understanding of mechanisms will move us closer effective treatments
Aarsland, D. (Primary Investigator), Hirth, F. (Co-Investigator) & Killick, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2029
Project: Research
Investigating The Molecular Profile Of Standard-risk Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) In The NCRI AML19 Trial.
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
EPSRC IAA - Novel biomarker development for the detection of drug induced cardiac toxicity – SPARICT study
Nandi, M. (Primary Investigator)
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2025
Project: Research
SurvivorFutures: Using research for policy and casework in the anti-trafficking sector
Parry-Davies, E. (Primary Investigator)
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/11/2024 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
Foreign-denominated Corporate Debt: Insights from Novel Data Collection and Analysis
Rabinovich, J. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 1/01/2026
Project: Research
Deception recognition and exposure to achieve strategic advantage
McBurney, P. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2026
Project: Research
NEURO_MIA: Inflammation-induced neuro-epigenetic mechanisms of resilience and susceptibility to maternal immune activation
Vernon, A. (Primary Investigator)
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2027
Project: Research
Development of inhibitory circuits in the human cerebral cortex
Rico, B. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2032
Project: Research
Experiences, motivations, and risks associated with substance use in autism spectrum disorder
Kerr Gaffney, J. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/03/2025
Project: Research
AI-Nurse: Clinical Research Network on Artificial Intelligence in Nursing (AI-Nurse)
O'Connor, S. (Primary Investigator), Grosan, C. (Co-Investigator), Oakey, R. (Co-Investigator) & Sturt, J. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2025
Project: Research
Molecular MRI signatures of fibrosis to detect heart failure and response to treatment - RESUBMISSION
Phinikaridou, A. (Primary Investigator) & Giacca, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/2024 → 31/03/2027
Project: Research
Improving anxiety assessment in Stroke and Acquired Brain injury: the validation of the Anxiety Intensity Scale Circles (AISCs), the Yale-anxiety, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) models
Turner-Stokes, L. (Primary Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2026
Project: Research
Reducing health inequalities through improved guidance on the early identification of skin changes associated with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) in people with dark skin tones
Clemett, V. (Primary Investigator), Geraghty, J. (Co-Investigator) & Woodward, S. (Co-Investigator)
GNCT General Nursing Council Trust
1/11/2024 → 30/04/2026
Project: Research
Kim Hoque - IAA New Government Fund
Hoque, K. (Primary Investigator)
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
1/11/2024 → 31/10/2025
Project: Research
VisHandRob: Foundations of Vision for Robotic Hand Exoskeletons
Gionfrida, L. (Primary Investigator)
31/10/2024 → 30/10/2029
Project: Research
EarlyBIRDS: Brief Intervention to Reduce Daily Stress: Developing community-based single-session interventions for vulnerable 16-19-year-olds in challenging circumstances
Michelson, D. (Primary Investigator)
22/10/2024 → 4/04/2025
Project: Research
Computational decision support system for management of atrial fibrillation informed by biophysical modelling and artificial intelligence predictions
Aslanidi, O. (Primary Investigator)
15/10/2024 → 14/10/2027
Project: Research
A digital twin for high-throughput skin formulation design
Chan, A. (Primary Investigator) & Jones, S. (Co-Investigator)
14/10/2024 → 13/10/2025
Project: Research
Targeted induction of the cold-shock protein RBM3 to prevent synapse loss and neurodegeneration in ALS/FTD
Ruepp, M.-D. (Primary Investigator) & Serio, A. (Co-Investigator)
14/10/2024 → 13/05/2026
Project: Research
AM-PT-06/202: Mixed-Heritage Young People's Educational Experiences in London: An Exploratory Study
Mansaray, A. (Primary Investigator) & Nwosu, C. (Co-Investigator)
10/10/2024 → 15/05/2025
Project: Research
Guy's Cancer: Guy's Cancer Real World Evidence: An opportunity for Cardio-Oncology
Van Hemelrijck, M. (Primary Investigator)
4/10/2024 → 1/11/2025
Project: Research
Exploring how T and B cell populations regulate the development of HLA Antibodies, comparing pregnancy and transplantation, to inform novel strategies to help sensitised renal patients awaiting (re)transplantation
Lombardi, G. (Primary Investigator)
2/10/2024 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
The International Relations of Tropical Storms in the Caribbean
Michelsen, N. (Primary Investigator)
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
2/10/2024 → 1/10/2027
Project: Research
deltaT Y4Q1: Multimodal spatial data analysis for clinically actionable targets in TNBC
Parsons, M. (Primary Investigator), Grigoriadis, A. (Co-Investigator) & Irshad, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Molecular mechanisms of cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation via TCF3
Fukuda, R. (Primary Investigator), Ehler, E. (Co-Investigator), Giacca, M. (Co-Investigator) & Stroud, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2027
Project: Research
FS/4yPhD/F/24/34214 BHF 4year MRes/Phd Programme 2024 Intake
Ivetic, A. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2028
Project: Research
Elucidating the non-cell autonomous role of FTD/ALS-linked mutations in p62 in iPSCs-derived astrocytes
Jimenez Sanchez, M. (Primary Investigator), Mizielinska, S. (Co-Investigator) & Ruepp, M.-D. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2025
Project: Research
Inclusive designs for superiority studies in mental health
Lee, K. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 31/03/2025
Project: Research
Manipulation of the endogenous monocyte/macrophage niche using mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles to revascularise the ischaemic leg
Patel, A. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2027
Project: Research
Exploring how T and B cell populations regulate the development of HLA Antibodies, comparing pregnancy and transplantation, to inform novel strategies to help sensitised renal patients awaiting (re)transplantation
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2026
Project: Research
What is the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a randomised controlled trial evaluating a healthcare professional- supported, self-management intervention for fatigue in ICU survivors?
Czuber-Dochan, W. (Primary Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/10/2024 → 31/05/2026
Project: Research
Self-learning AI Copilots to Enable Personalised Medicine Manufacturing
Albed Alhnan, M. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2026
Project: Research
NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award (O'Connor 2024)
O'Connor, S. (Primary Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2026
Project: Research
Alice Caulfield - Does psilocybin reopen critical period learning in adult humans?
Mehta, M. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2027
Project: Research
Developing innovative arts-based approaches to prevent gender-based violence through feminist activism among youth in the favelas of Brazil
McIlwaine, C. (Primary Investigator)
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2026
Project: Research