Increased High Density Lipoprotein-levels associated with Age-related Macular degeneration. Evidence from the EYE-RISK and E3 Consortia

J.M. Colijn, A.I den Hollander, A. Demirkan, A. Cougnard-Grégoire, T. Verzijden, E. Kersten, M.A. Meester, B.M.J. Merle, G. Papageorgiou, S. Ahmad, M.T. Mulder, M.A. Costa, P. Benlian, G. Bertelsen, A. Bron, B. Claes, C. Creuzot-Garcher, M.G. Erke, S. Fauser, P.J. FosterC.J. Hammond, H.W. Hense, C.B. Hoyng, A.P. Khawaja, J. Korobelnik, S. Piermarocchi, T. Segato, R. Silva, E.H. Souied, K.M. Williams, C.M. van Duijn, C. Delcourt, C.C.W. Klaver

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science