Riluzole treatment, survival and diagnostic criteria in Parkinson plus disorders: The NNIPPS Study

NNIPPS Study Group, Gilbert Bensimon, Albert Ludolph, Yves Agid, Marie Vidailhet, Christine Payan, P. Nigel Leigh*, A. C. Ludolph, M. Dib, L. Lacomblez, D. Burn, B. Landwehrmeyer, B. Asselain, H. Allain, D. Chadwick, J. E. Perret, C. Warlow, Y. Ben-Shlomo, A. M. Bonnet, J. FermanianM. Verny, P. Moore, C. Tranchant, M. Borg, P. McCrone, F. Durif, A. Evans, F. Viallet, M. Verin, N. Deasy, J. Jarosz, S. Al-Sarraj, R. Brown, A. Al-Chalabi, N. Wood, A. Dougherty, C. Murphy, J. B. Schulz, K. R. Chaudhuri, D. Heaney, C. Blain, S. Azam, V. Williams, J. Isaacs, C. Smallman, B. Stanton, A. Dittner, C. Donnellan, D. Secker, A. Langman, C. Lomax

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