Composition portfolio and technical commentary

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The concept of acousmatic composition has arisen as a direct consequence of the invention and availability of electroacoustic means of producing music. In this portfolio of eleven compositions, I have explored how to extend the findings of acousmatic music to create new musical gestures using timbral strategies and by combining individual musical actions into compound musical gestures with the intention of hiding the instrumental source. The aim of this process of instrumental synthesis is to create new musical objects, which will gradually foster listeners’ boundaries of aural perception to the point that their attention is guided towards the process of listening itself.
In technical terms, the portfolio is the result of the combination of computer assisted composition/orchestration methods and intuitive procedures, using the performances of the pieces as the method for testing the results. Temporal Semiotic Units (TSU) are used solely as pre-compositional tools for the production of motifs and gesture.
Date of Award2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorSilvina Milstein (Supervisor) & George Benjamin (Supervisor)

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