Diet and nutrition among people receiving opioid substitution treatment
: A mixed methods study

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Aim: This study’s aim was to improve our understanding of the dietary behaviours of people receiving opioid substitution treatment (OST) in the UK.
Setting: The study focuses on people receiving prescribing interventions for OST from pharmacies in Oxfordshire, England.
Methods: Dietary behaviours were assessed using a longitudinal convergent parallel mixed methods research design. Quantitative methods included a socio-demographic and drug use questionnaire, SF-36 health related quality of life questionnaire, 24-hour dietary recall interview, and anthropometry measures. Qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted to understand how individuals’ experiences with food and diet influence their dietary behaviours. Follow-ups were conducted four months after baseline data collection. The same quantitative and qualitative research tools were applied at the second stage of the study.
Results: Mean (SD) Body Mass Index for males (n=15) and females (n=10) exceeded the normal range [25.2 (5.9) kg/m2 and 33.3 (8.6) kg/m2, respectively] at baseline. Males decreased to the normal range at follow-up [mean (SD) = 24.1 (± 6.2) kg/m2]. Females increased to Obesity Class II at follow-up [mean (SD) = 35.1 (± 8.0) kg/m2]. Non-starch polysaccharide intakes were significantly lower than the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI). Iron intakes among females were significantly below the RNI. Saturated fat intake and sodium intake exceeded the RNI. Eleven (44%) participants had multiple health conditions. Food consumption was influenced by factors such as childhood eating, mental health issues, digestive issues, limited financial resources, drug use and accommodation.
Conclusions: People receiving OST in the UK may be at risk of development of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Dietary and nutritional recommendations may benefit this population. Recommendations must accommodate for specialised needs. Further research is required in the UK to understand aspects such as multi-morbidity rates, rates of overweight and obesity, food acquisition, food preparation skills and food expenditures.
Date of Award2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorJoanne Neale (Supervisor)

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