Supply Chain Knowledge Creation
: Applications of organizational knowledge creation theory

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Scholars argue that knowledge is a fundamental source for retaining competitive advantage, as value creation depends fundamentally on the competence of a firm to create new knowledge (Nonaka and Toyama, 2002). Knowledge creation is based on conversion of two types of knowledge: tacit knowledge, which is constituent to the comprehensiveness of an individual’s consciousness, and explicit knowledge, which can be readily communicated. Based on the framework by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), one of the most significant and cited models, the motivation of this research is
to expand knowledge creation model from intra- to inter-organizational relationships theoretically and explore supply chain knowledge creation process in practice to examine the sequences of this extension.

Studying three firms in the fashion industry, this thesis contributes to research on knowledge creation by taking a socio-technological perspective through a qualitative study of supply chain management. The research findings provide support for the proposed theoretical model in which social relationships and technology interact in the knowledge creation process to diminish supply chain complexities. While many supply chain relationships I observed appear to be influential in creating knowledge, one similarity among the cases here is that the effectiveness of the knowledge creation process has been limited due to the lack of harmony in employing knowledge resources. Knowledge creation process may be superficial due to the fact that they require a large revolution in work routines regarding the use of technology. Even where there is some degree of socialization, the process is partial because of incongruities between individuals understanding and corporate supply chain
Date of Award2014
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorMatt Vidal (Supervisor) & Pervez Ghauri (Supervisor)

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