The extent of harmonization for co-authored works under EU copyright law

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This research aims to undertake a doctoral study to develop coherent copyright regulation of multi-authored works in the European Union and to establish whether there should be a maximum or a minimum level of harmonization. The methodology of the study will be doctrinal, drawing on relevant legislation and case law from the Member States and the European Union. The literature provides little guidance when it comes to developing an actual solution to multiauthored copyright works. The majority of the literature focuses on the difference between the approaches adopted by numerous European countries and the USA. Even proposals regarding the European Copyright Code do not offer a solution to multi-authored works. This research project will, therefore, appeal to legislators, policy makers and academics. It is ardently hoped that the project will constitute a recommendation for the European Commission with regard to a policy review in copyright. A coherent approach to multi-authored works will resolve some of the key issues that need to be resolved before fully, effective harmonization of European Union copyright law can occur.
Date of Award1 Sept 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorJohn Phillips (Supervisor) & Tanya Aplin (Supervisor)

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