The Function of the Shadow Banking Sector in the Chinese Financial System
: A systemic analysis of China’s Third Financial Sector

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Following the immensely insightful and encouraging comments during my viva, I was left with a conundrum. This work was accepted without changes for a PhD Chinese Studies from King’s College London. The two examiners made it clear from the beginning what they thought of this work and left me with a thesis they deemed sufficient to allow me to be awarded a PhD. As highlighted in my acknowledgements they made my viva a wholly pleasant experience.
There are some points I would like to highlight in this foreword without changing the actual content of this thesis to address the criticism that some of my examiners have expressed. I address these points in my foreword, because I do not want to change the actual work for which I have been awarded my PhD. As any intellectual work, this thesis has its strength and its weaknesses. As for anything in life, one has to be able to understand and acknowledge these two.
Dr. Dic Lo highlighted that this work has focused on financial systems design theory to analyse the Chinese financial system but that there are others, which might be equally capable of being used as an analytical prism. This point is highly valid and does provide a challenge. Yet I hope that Chapter Three will be able to convince the reader of why I chose this theory in particular. To anyone, who seek an all-encompassing answer to the theoretical foundation of the financial system of PR China and the role of shadow banking in particular, please kindly note that this work only provides an answer using one school of thought. No work on China can ever truly answer all questions, which you may have.
My thesis provides an analysis of the function of the shadow banking sector in Nanjing and Beijing in the early 2010s. In this it provides a way to understand an often misunderstood sector through the functions it provides. If you are reading this, I encourage you to get in touch and discus your thoughts.
Date of Award2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorJan Knoerich (Supervisor) & Ramon Pacheco Pardo (Supervisor)

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