The politics of internet privacy regulation in a globalised world: an examination of regulatory agencies' autonomy, politicisation, and lobbying strategies

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The rapid proliferation of new information technologies has not only made internet privacy one of the most pressing issues of the contemporary area, it has also triggered new regulatory challenges because of their cross-border character. This PhD thesis examines the politics of internet privacy regulation at the global level. Existing research has largely investigated the extent to which there is no international privacy regime, when and why data protection regulations in the European Union affect member state laws and trade relations, and how interest groups shape data protection regulations in the EU. Little scholarly attention, however, has been accorded to the decision-making processes and policies produced beyond the legislative arena. Non-legislative and technical modes of policy-making are yet becoming more prominent in global politics. This research focuses on global data protection and internet privacy rules determined by leading, but little-known, internet regulatory agencies, in particular: the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, World Wide Web Consortium, Internet Engineering Task Force, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It investigates three distinct but interconnected questions regarding regulatory agencies' autonomy, politicisation, and interest groups' lobbying strategies. Each of the three questions corresponds to one substantive chapter and makes distinct contributions, using separate theoretical frameworks, methods, and analyses. Taken together, the chapters provide important theoretical arguments and empirical evidence on the making of internet privacy regulation, with a special emphasis on the role of corporate interests.
Date of Award1 Jan 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorAdam Chalmers (Supervisor) & Peter John (Supervisor)

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