Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Agents and Intelligent Systems (AIS) is an expanding research group in the Department of Informatics at King's College London.

The Agents and Intelligent Systems group comprises 9 academic staff, including three professors (Michael Luck, Peter McBurney and Andrew Jones) and six lecturers (Elizabeth Black, Jeroen Keppens, Simon Miles, Sanjay Modgil, Katarzyna Musial and Adel Taweel), as well as a rapidly growing number of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students.

Our work is concerned with investigating various aspects of agent technologies, intelligent systems, as well as AI more generally and their applications. Agents are intelligent (typically software) entities that interact or work together to achieve goals they would not be able to achieve by themselves, or not as easily.

Some of our recent work has focussed on the following areas, or themes:

  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Normative Systems
  • Argumentation
  • Provenance
  • Market-Based Control
  • eScience and Grid Computing
  • Health Informatics
  • Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning
  • Virtual Organisations
  • Trust and Reputation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Law
  • Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
  • Formal Theory of Communication
  • Complex Networks and Systems

AIS are involved in several research projects, contribute to the organisation of various conferences and workshops, and are represented on advisory boards and steering committees in the areas of agents and intelligent systems. 


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