Projects per year
- 400 - 450 out of 543 results
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Tradition in the present
Malik, A. (Primary Investigator), Wilson, J. (Primary Investigator) & Malik, M. (Co-Investigator)
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/11/2007 → 31/10/2009
Project: Research
Autocrine fuel sensing by kisspeptin in pancreatic B-cell
Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2007 → 30/09/2010
Project: Research
TSH Receptor as a target for diagnosis and therapy of thyroid cancer
Banga, P. (Primary Investigator), Ballinger, J. (Co-Investigator) & Blower, P. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2007 → 30/09/2009
Project: Research
Improving management of type 1 diabetes in the UK: the DAFNE Programme as a research test-bed
Amiel, S. (Primary Investigator)
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
1/10/2007 → 30/09/2012
Project: Research
Adolescent Diabetes Cardio Renal Intervention Trial: AdDIT
Dalton, N. (Primary Investigator)
BHF British Heart Foundation, Diabetes UK
1/09/2007 → 26/03/2017
Project: Research
Pseudoislets as a model system to study beta cell dysfunction in diabetes
Jones, P. (Primary Investigator) & Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator)
1/09/2007 → 30/09/2010
Project: Research
Role of p8 in B-cell mass expansion and survival
Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator) & Jones, P. (Co-Investigator)
EFSD European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes
1/09/2007 → 31/08/2009
Project: Research
The role of cytotoxic T cell in Type 1 diabetes
Peakman, M. (Primary Investigator) & Huang, G. (Co-Investigator)
1/09/2007 → 30/09/2011
Project: Research
Role of p8 in the regulation of beta-cell mass and function
Muller, D. (Primary Investigator)
EFSD European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes
1/09/2007 → 31/08/2008
Project: Research
Non-pharmacological treatments to improve diabetes outcomes.
Ismail, K. (Primary Investigator), Amiel, S. (Co-Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Patel, A. (Co-Investigator), Stahl, D. (Co-Investigator) & Treasure, J. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/08/2007 → 31/10/2014
Project: Research
Non-pharmacological treatments to improve diabetes outcomes
Amiel, S. (Primary Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Ismail, K. (Co-Investigator), Patel, A. (Co-Investigator), Stahl, D. (Co-Investigator) & Treasure, J. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/08/2007 → 31/03/2014
Project: Research
Raising mouse monoclonal antibodies to the wilsons copper transporters ATP7B
Fabre, J. (Primary Investigator)
2/07/2007 → 1/09/2007
Project: Research
Establishment of optimised biomedical and psychological measures to determine overall outcomes in islet transplantation recipients
Amiel, S. (Primary Investigator) & Choudhary, P. (Co-Investigator)
1/07/2007 → 30/06/2012
Project: Research
The role of Socs-3 in leptin and insulin signalling pathways
Howard, J. (Primary Investigator)
1/07/2007 → 31/03/2008
Project: Research
Dopamine signalling in pancreatic beta cells
Jones, P. (Primary Investigator)
11/06/2007 → 20/07/2007
Project: Research
Expression and function of the GPR40 receptor family in B-cells
Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator)
11/06/2007 → 24/07/2007
Project: Research
Technical evaluation of peptide-based electrospray tandem mass spectrometry on newborn sickle cell disease screening
Dalton, N. (Primary Investigator)
1/06/2007 → 31/03/2010
Project: Research
Can islets be protected from post-transplantation cell death?
King, A. (Primary Investigator)
1/05/2007 → 30/04/2008
Project: Research
International collaborative twin study of refractive and glaucoma endophenotypes
Hammond, C. (Primary Investigator) & Spector, T. (Co-Investigator)
NIH National Institutes of Health
1/05/2007 → 30/04/2010
Project: Research
Do sulfonylureas preserve cortical function during hypoglycaemia?
Choudhary, P. (Primary Investigator), Amiel, S. (Co-Investigator) & Zelaya, F. (Co-Investigator)
JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
1/04/2007 → 31/03/2010
Project: Research
Can the use of real time glucose monitoring reverse hypoglycaemia unawareness?
Choudhary, P. (Primary Investigator), Amiel, S. (Co-Investigator) & Hopkins, D. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/2007 → 30/04/2009
Project: Research
Salary funding for researcher
Amiel, S. (Primary Investigator)
King's College Hospital Charitable Trust
1/04/2007 → 31/03/2009
Project: Research
Role of p8 in the regulation of B-cell mass:a potential molecular target for therapy of diabetes.
Muller, D. (Primary Investigator) & Persaud, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/2007 → 24/08/2010
Project: Research
Genetics of ageing: the genetic and environmental determinants of ageing in women
Spector, T. (Primary Investigator), Hammond, C. (Co-Investigator), Jackson, S. (Co-Investigator) & Valdes, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/2007 → 30/06/2013
Project: Research
Centre for Integrative Biomedicine
Brain, S. (Primary Investigator), Cox, H. (Primary Investigator), Duty, S. (Primary Investigator), Flatters, S. (Primary Investigator), Keeble, J. (Primary Investigator), King, A. (Primary Investigator), Malcangio, M. (Primary Investigator), McFadzean, I. (Primary Investigator), McMahon, S. (Primary Investigator), Moon, L. (Primary Investigator), Moore, P. (Primary Investigator), Spina, D. (Primary Investigator), Thomas, S. (Primary Investigator), Gibson, A. (Co-Investigator), Howell, S. (Co-Investigator), Mountford, D. (Co-Investigator) & O'Dell, S. (Co-Investigator)
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
4/03/2007 → 30/09/2013
Project: Research
Diagnostic kit to test whether diabetic patients will develop diabetic nephropathy
Malik, A. (Primary Investigator)
Heptagon Proof of Concept Fund
1/11/2006 → 31/01/2007
Project: Research
The impact of domestic violence during pregnancy and the post-partum period on early mother-infant interactions.
Hunt, K. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2006 → 30/09/2009
Project: Research
Completion of the phenotyping of 1,000 families for the future genetic analysis of albumin excertion and nephropathology in Type 1 diabetes
Dalton, N. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2006 → 30/09/2009
Project: Research
Interplay between the endocannabinoid system and the immune system in harnessing endogenous neural stem cells
Jones-Jayasinghe, N. (Primary Investigator), Khan, F. (Primary Investigator), Molina-Holgado, F. (Primary Investigator), Wells, C. (Primary Investigator), academic, A. (Primary Investigator), Jones, P. (Co-Investigator), Pickup, J. (Co-Investigator) & Sharpe, P. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2006 → 30/09/2007
Project: Research
European Training in Myopia Research - MY EUROPIA
Hammond, C. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2006 → 30/09/2010
Project: Research
Functional phenotype of insulin secreting cells generated from human embryonic stem cells.
Jones, P. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2006 → 30/09/2009
Project: Research
The molecular epidemiology of age-related cataract
Hammond, C. (Primary Investigator) & Spector, T. (Primary Investigator)
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
1/09/2006 → 30/04/2008
Project: Research
Twins UK Genetic Epidemiology Resource
Spector, T. (Primary Investigator), Carter, N. (Co-Investigator), Hammond, C. (Co-Investigator), Sham, P. (Co-Investigator) & Solomon, E. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2006 → 30/09/2011
Project: Research
Characterisation of major conformational antigenic determinants in the human thyroid peroxidase
Banga, P. (Primary Investigator)
1/07/2006 → 15/08/2006
Project: Research
Molecular mechanisms of diabetic commission
Malik, A. (Primary Investigator)
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
1/07/2006 → 31/12/2006
Project: Research
Proposal to Validate and establish remote islet isolation for the treatment of type 1 diabetes in the UK
Amiel, S. (Primary Investigator) & Shaw, J. (Co-Investigator)
1/07/2006 → 30/06/2007
Project: Research
Dissecting the genetics of glaucoma and its risk factors using a twin study
Hammond, C. (Primary Investigator) & Spector, T. (Primary Investigator)
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
1/06/2006 → 31/05/2008
Project: Research
Development of hydrodynamic gene delivery techniques for the clinical application of gene therapy of liver disease
Fabre, J. (Primary Investigator)
1/06/2006 → 31/05/2007
Project: Research
The genetics of myopia and refractive error: analysis of highly significant linkage loci
Hammond, C. (Primary Investigator) & Spector, T. (Co-Investigator)
1/05/2006 → 30/11/2009
Project: Research
Detrimental effects of maternal high fat diet on islet development and function in offspring and protection by vitamin E
Christie, M. (Primary Investigator)
1/04/2006 → 31/03/2008
Project: Research
Nanometrology for molecular science, medicine and manufacture
Pickup, J. (Primary Investigator) & Gnudi, L. (Co-Investigator)
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/04/2006 → 31/07/2011
Project: Research
Receptor signalling in pancreatic b cells
Jones, P. (Primary Investigator) & Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator)
1/04/2006 → 31/03/2008
Project: Research
Support for researcher
Amiel, S. (Primary Investigator)
King's College Hospital Charitable Trust
1/01/2006 → 31/12/2006
Project: Research
The role of kisspeptin and its receptor GPR54 in pancreatic islet function.
Jones, P. (Primary Investigator) & Persaud, S. (Co-Investigator)
Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
1/01/2006 → 31/12/2006
Project: Research
Gene therapy of liver disease
Fabre, J. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2006 → 30/06/2010
Project: Research
Functional significance of the extracellular calcium sensing receptor in pancreatic beta-cells.
Jones, P. (Primary Investigator), Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator) & Amiel, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2006 → 31/01/2008
Project: Research
Development of anti-TSH functional antibodies for use in the treatment and monitoring of thyroid cancer
Banga, P. (Primary Investigator)
Heptagon Proof of Concept Fund
1/01/2006 → 31/12/2006
Project: Research
The genetic basis of apancreatic permanent neonatal diabetes in humans.
Marsh, P. (Primary Investigator) & Jones, P. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/2005 → 30/11/2006
Project: Research
High sensitivity camera for photomicrography
Christie, M. (Primary Investigator)
Friends of Guy's & St.Thomas' Hospital
1/10/2005 → 30/09/2006
Project: Research
Expression and function of the GPR40 receptor family in MIN6 pseudo-islets
Persaud, S. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2005 → 30/09/2008
Project: Research