Alex Griffiths

Alex Griffiths


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    Personal profile

    Research interests (short)

    My interests encompass the development of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry based techniques for elemental analyses of biological samples and the application of these analytical methods to understand the biogeochemical cycling of toxic metals. I conduct research with a number of multidisciplinary teams and have collaborated with biochemists, ecotoxicologists and analytical chemists from research institutions around the world.

    Biographical details

    Dr Alex Griffiths is currently a senior scientist and the deputy manager of the London Metallomics Facility. He graduated from the University of Southampton in 2013 with a master's degree in Oceanography and holds a doctorate in Isotope Biogeochemistry from Imperial College London. His main interests lie in the development of analytical techniques for elemental analyses of biological samples and the application of these methods to understand the biogeochemical cycling of toxic heavy metals.

    Education/Academic qualification

    Isotope Biogeochemistry, Doctor of Science

    Award Date: 16 Mar 2020


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