Blanaid Daly

Blanaid Daly


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Personal profile

Research interests

My research interests relate to the delivery of care to special needs groups and the interface between physical and oral health

Biographical details

Blánaid Daly qualified from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in 1983. She worked in the Health Board Dental Service in Ireland followed by five years as a research fellow in the Department of Community Dentistry, TCD, focusing on the clinical care of special needs groups and individuals.

She moved to King’s College London as a research assistant in 1990 and was appointed Clinical Lecturer in Dental Public Health (1991) with responsiblity as course organiser for the MSc in Dental Public Health. She was a founder member of the Oral Health Promotion Research Group and president (2001-2).

In her clinical role, Blánaid spent 12 years providing direct dental services to homeless people in three local boroughs. She completed her PhD which described the oral health needs of homeless people in an urban setting. She is a Specialist in both Dental Public Health and Special Care Dentistry and was course co-ordinator for the MSc in Dental Public Health from 1991-2011.

Presently, Blánaid continues her academic role at King's and is academic/displine lead in Special Care Dentistry. supporting research and teaching for  postgraduate students and trainees in Special Care Dentistry

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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