Cheng Lin

Cheng Lin


Personal profile

Research interests

Dr Lin's research interests lie primarily in insurance and commercial law, with a particular focus on export credit insurance and export credit guarantee from a contractual perspective. His research also covers certain broader issues in the context of international economic law, such as international trade instruments and international investment protection.

Biographical details

Dr Lin has recently been awarded one of the twenty King's Outstanding PhD Thesis Prizes for the academic year of 2021, after he passed his viva without corrections in January. His PhD programme was fully funded by the generous King's College London-China Scholarship Council's Joint Scholarship. Dr Lin was one of the seven K-CSC scholarship recipients in 2017. Prior to his PhD, Dr Lin gained both his Master in International Economic Law (2016) and Bachelor in Law (2014) from China University of Political Science and Law ('CUPL').

In 2019-2020, Dr Lin completed an internship research project at the International Association of Credit & Investment Insurers ('the Berne Union') on the legal nature of buyer credit insurance and buyer credit guarantee. His internship research was kindly supported and supervised by Mr Vinco David, the Secretary General of the Berne Union and Mr Laszlo Varnai, the Associate Director of the Berne Union Secretariat. The outcome of his research is available at the Berne Union website (see 'Research Outputs').

Dr Lin also had extensive legal internships at various institutions in China, including China Export & Credit Corporation (2017), Yuqing Zhang Law Firm Beijing (2016-2017), The Supreme Court of China (2014), Deheng Law Firm Beijing (2014) and The Legal Clinic of CUPL (2012-2013). In particular, he served as the arbitration assistant for Prof Mr Yuqing Zhang, a member of WTO panel, the former Director of Treaty & Law Department of China's Ministry of Commerce and now a chief arbitrator at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee ('CIETAC'). Dr Lin passed the National Bar Exam in 2013 and holds the Chinese legal qualification.

From autumn 2021, Dr Lin will be appointed as an associate professor at Law School, Fujian Normal University, China.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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