Cristian Parisi

Cristian Parisi


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Personal profile

Research interests (short)

Innovative smart biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (polymers, ceramics, composites).

Design, development and optimization of materials and devices synthesis/production and characterization.

Physicochemical and biological investigations: X-ray Diffraction (XRD), FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, SEM and TEM analysis, EDS spectroscopy, XPS spectroscopy, micro-CT, BET analysis, mechanical testing, swelling ratio, reology of polymers; cell proliferation, cell viability, cell morphology, mechanical stimulation to induce stem cells differentiation (bioreactors), immunostaining, gene expression qPCR.

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Science, Effect of chitosan on properties of calcium phosphate cements for bone tissue engineering, University of Salento

Award Date: 18 Apr 2012


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