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David Stuart


  • 1576

Personal profile

Research interests (short)

Webometrics and altmetrics; semantic web and big data.

Biographical details

I initially studied Library and Information Management at Loughborough University and then did my PhD at the University of Wolverhampton in the field of webometrics. Following the successful completion of my PhD I took up a post of Research Fellow in Web 2.0 technologies in the Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group at the University of Wolverhampton, where I continue to be an honorary research fellow. In January 2011 I joined the Centre for E-Research (CERCH) at King’s College London as a Research Associate to work on the Content Models for Enhancement and Sustainability (CMES) project, developing an extensible framework for representing and managing broad categories of complex digital collections produced by arts and humanities research, and a methodology for extending this framework. Since February 2012 I have been working at CERCH as a Research Fellow on the Collaborative EuropeaN Digital Archive Infrastructure (CENDARI) project, working on the Knowledge Organization Framework work package.

Research interests

My research interests revolve around scientific communication on the web and the potential of the web to provide insights into scientific process. As use of the web has evolved from the use of traditional web technologies, to social media technologies, and increasingly semantic web technologies, so has my research. Whereas my PhD, Web manifestations of knowledge-based innovation systems in the UK (2008), investigated the types of relationships that are visible between academic, industrial, and government institutions in the form of hyperlinks, my more recent publications have focused on social media and the semantic web. The past two projects I have worked on have both focused on the representation of humanities resources online.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


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  • 1 Similar Profiles
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B., Bedossa, A., Behilill, S., Beljantsev, A., Bellemare, D., Beltrame, A., Beluze, M., Benech, N., Benkerrou, D., Bennett, S., Bento, L., Berdal, J.-E., Bergeaud, D., Bertolino, L., Bessis, S., Bevilcaqua, S., Bhavsar, K., Bin Humaid, F., Bissuel, F., Biston, P., Bitker, L., Blanco-Schweizer, P., Blot, M., Boccia, F., Bogaert, D., Bompart, F., Booth, G., Borges, D., Borie, R., Bos, J., Bosse, H. M., Botelho-Nevers, E., Bouadma, L., Bouchaud, O., Bouchez, S., Bouhmani, D., Bouhour, D., Bouiller, K., Bouillet, L., Bouisse, C., Boureau, A.-S., Bouscambert, M., Bouziotis, J., Boxma, B., Boyer-Besseyre, M., Boylan, M., Braga, C., Brandenburger, T., Brazzi, L., Breen, D., Breen, P., Brickell, K., Brozzi, N., Buchtele, N., Buesaquillo, C., Bugaeva, P., Buisson, M., Burhan, E., Bustos, I. G., Butnaru, D., Carcel, S., Cabie, A., Cabral, S., Caceres, E., Callahan, M., Calligy, K., Calvache, J. A., Camoes, J., Campana, V., Campbell, P., Canepa, C., Cantero, M., Caraux-Paz, P., Cardoso, F., Cardoso, F., Cardoso, S., Carelli, S., Carlier, N., Carney, G., Carpenter, C., Carret, M.-C., Carrier, F. M., Carson, G., Casanova, M.-L., Cascao, M., Casimiro, J., Cassandra, B., Castaneda, S., Castanheira, N., Castor-Alexandre, G., Castrillon, H., Castro, I., Catarino, A., Catherine, F.-X., Cavalin, R., Cavalli, G. G., Cavayas, A., Ceccato, A., Cervantes-Gonzalez, M., Chair, A., Chakveatze, C., Chan, A., Chand, M., Chas, J., Chassin, C., Chen, A., Chen, Y.-S., Cheng, M. P., Cheret, A., Chiarabini, T., Chica, J., Chirouze, C., Chiumello, D., Cho, H. J., Cho, S. M., Cholley, B., Cidade, J. P., Herreros, J. M. C., Citarella, B. W., Ciullo, A., Clarke, J., Clohisey, S., Codan, C., Cody, C., Coelho, A., Colin, G., Collins, M., Colombo, S. M., Combs, P., Connelly, J. P., Connor, M., Conrad, A., Contreras, S., Cooke, G. S., Copland, M., Cordel, H., Corley, A., Cormican, S., Cornelis, S., Corpuz, A. J., Corvaisier, G., Couffignal, C., Couffin-Cadiergues, S., Courtois, R., D'Orleans, C. C., Croonen, S., Crowl, G., Crump, J., Cruz, C., Csete, M., Cucino, A., Cullen, C., Cummings, M., Curley, G., Curlier, E., Custodio, P., D'Aragon, F., Filipe, A. D. S., Da Silveira, C., D'Ortenzio, E., Dabaliz, A.-A., Dagens, A. B., Dalton, H., Dalton, J., Daneman, N., Dankwa, E. A., Dantas, J., De Castro, N., De Mendoza, D., Franca, R. F. D. O., De Rosa, R., De Silva, T., De Vries, P., Dean, D., Debray, M.-P., Dechert, W., Deconninck, L., Decours, R., Delacroix, I., Delavigne, K., Deligiannis, I., Dell'amore, A., Delobel, P., Demonchy, E., Denis, E., Deplanque, D., Deplanque, D., Depuydt, P., Desai, M., Descamps, D., Desvallee, M., Dewayanti, S. R., Diallo, A., Diamantis, S., Dias, A., Diaz, J. J. D., Diaz, R., Didier, K., Diehl, J.-L., Dieperink, W., Dimet, J., Dinot, V., Diouf, A., Dishon, Y., Djossou, F., Docherty, A. B., Dong, A., Donnelly, C. A., Donnelly, M., Donohue, C., Dorival, C., Douglas, J. J., Douma, R., Dournon, N., Downer, T., Downing, M., Drake, T., Dubee, V., Dubos, F., Ducancelle, A., Dudman, S., Dunning, J., Mangoni, E. D., Duranti, S., Durham, L. I., Dussol, B., Duval, X., Dyrhol-Riise, A. M., Eira, C., Vidal, J. E., El Sanharawi, M., Elapavaluru, S., Elharrar, B., Elkheir, N., Ellerbroek, J., Ellis, R., Eloy, P., Elshazly, T., Enderle, I., Engelmann, I., Enouf, V., Epaulard, O., Esperatti, M., Esperou, H., Esposito-Farese, M., Estevao, J., Etienne, M., Etienne, M., Ettalhaoui, N., Everding, A. G., Evers, M., Fabre, I., Faheem, A., Fahy, A., Fairfield, C. J., Faria, P., Farshait, N., Fatoni, A. Z., Faure, K., Fayed, M., Feely, N., Fernandes, J., Fernandes, M., Fernandes, S., Ferrao, J., Devouge, E. F., Ferraz, M., Ferreira, B., Ferrer-Roca, R., Figueiredo-Mello, C., Flateau, C., Fletcher, T., Florio, L. L., Foley, C., Fomin, V., Fonseca, C. D., Fonseca, T., Fontela, P., Forsyth, S., Foti, G., Fourn, E., Fowler, R., Franch-Llasat, D., Fraser, C., Fraser, J., Freire, M. V., Ribeiro, A. F., Friedrich, C., Fry, S., Fuentes, N., Fukuda, M., Gomez-Junyent, J., Gaborieau, V., Gachet, B., Gaci, R., Gagliardi, M., Gagnard, J.-C., Gagneux-Brunon, A., Gaiao, S., Gallagher, P., Curto, E. G., Gamble, C., Garan, A., Garcia-Gallo, E., Garcia, R., Garot, D., Garrait, V., Gault, N., Gavin, A., Gaymard, A., Gebauer, J., Morlaes, L. G., Germano, N., Ghosn, J., Giani, M., Giaquinto, C., Gibson, J., Gigante, T., Gilg, M., Giordano, G., Girvan, M., Gissot, V., Giwangkancana, G., Glikman, D., Glybochko, P., Gnall, E., Goco, G., Goehringer, F., Goepel, S., Goffard, J.-C., Golob, J., Gorenne, I., Goujard, C., Goulenok, T., Grable, M., Grandin, E. W., Granier, P., Grasselli, G., Green, C. A., Greenhalf, W., Greffe, S., Grieco, D. L., Griffee, M., Griffiths, F., Grigoras, I., Groenendijk, A., Lordemann, A. G., Gruner, H., Gu, Y., Guedj, J., Guellec, D., Guerguerian, A.-M., Guerreiro, D., Guery, R., Guillaumot, A., Guilleminault, L., Guimard, T., Haber, D., Hakak, S., Hall, M., Halpin, S., Hamer, A., Hamidfar, R., Hammond, T., Hardwick, H., Harley, K., Harrison, E. M., Harrison, J., Hays, L., Heerman, J., Heggelund, L., Hendry, R., Hennessy, M., Henriquez-Trujillo, A., Hentzien, M., Hernandez-Montfort, J., Hidayah, A., Higgins, D., Higgins, E., Hinton, S., Hipolito-Reis, A., Hiraiwa, H., Hiscox, J. A., Ho, A. Y. W., Hoctin, A., Hoffmann, I., Hoiting, O., Holt, R., Holter, J. C., Horby, P., Horcajada, J. P., Hoshino, K., Hoshino, K., Hough, C. L., Hsu, J.M.-Y., Hulot, J.-S., Ijaz, S., Illes, H.-G., Inacio, H., Dominguez, C. I., Iosifidis, E., Irvine, L., Isgett, S., Isidoro, T., Isnard, M., Itai, J., Ivulich, D., Jaafoura, S., Jabot, J., Jackson, C., Jamieson, N., Jaureguiberry, S., Javidfar, J., Jean-Benoit, Z., Jego, F., Jenum, S., Sotomayor, R. J., Garcia, R. N. J., Joseph, C., Joseph, M., Jouvet, P., Jung, H., Kafif, O., Kaguelidou, F., Kali, S., Kalomoiri, S., Kandamby, D. H., Kandel, C., Kant, R., Kartsonaki, C., Kasugai, D., Katz, K., Johal, S. K., Keating, S., Kelly, A., Kelly, S., Kennedy, L., Kennon, K., Kerroumi, Y., Kestelyn, E., Khalid, I., Khalil, A., Khan, C., Khan, I., Kho, M. E., Khoo, S., Kida, Y., Kiiza, P., Kildal, A. B., Kimmoun, A., Kindgen-Milles, D., Kitamura, N., Klenerman, P., Bekken, G. K., Knight, S., Kobbe, R., Vasconcelos, M. K., Korten, V., Kosgei, C., Krawczyk, K., Vecham, P. K., Kumar, D., Kurtzman, E., Kutsogiannis, D., Kyriakoulis, K., L'her, E., Lachatre, M., Lacoste, M., Laffey, J. G., Lagrange, M., Laine, F., Lambert, M., Lamontagne, F., Langelot-Richard, M., Lantang, E. Y., Lanza, M., Laouenan, C., Laribi, S., Lariviere, D., Launay, O., Lavie-Badie, Y., Law, A., Le Bihan, C., Le Bris, C., Le Coustumier, E., Le Falher, G., Le Gac, S., Le Hingrat, Q., Le Marechal, M., Le Mestre, S., Le Moing, V., Le Nagard, H., Le Turnier, P., Leon, R., Le, M., Santos, M. L., Leal, E., Lee, J., Lee, S. H., Lee, T., Leeming, G., Lefebvre, B., Lefebvre, L., Lefevre, B., Lellouche, F., Lemaignen, A., Lemee, V., Lemmink, G., Leone, M., Lepiller, Q., Lescure, F.-X., Lesens, O., Lesouhaitier, M., Levy-Marchal, C., Levy, B., Levy, Y., Bassi, G. L., Liang, J., Lim, W. S., Lina, B., Lind, A., Lingas, G., Lion-Daolio, S., Liu, K., Loforte, A., Lolong, N., Lopes, D., Lopez-Colon, D., Loubet, P., Lucet, J. C., Luna, C. M., Lungu, O., Luong, L., Luton, D., Lyons, R., Mueller, F., Mueller, K. E., Maasikas, O., Macdonald, S., Machado, M., Macheda, G., Sanchez, J. M., Madhok, J., Mahieu, R., Mahy, S., Maier, L. S., Maillet, M., Maitre, T., Malfertheiner, M., Malik, N., Maltez, F., Malvy, D., Mambert, M., Manda, V., Mandei, J. M., Manning, E., Manuel, A., Malaque, C. M. S. A., Marino, F., Mariz, C. D. A., Eid, C. M., Marques, A., Marquis, C., Marsh, B., Marsh, L., Marshall, J., Martelli, C. T., Martin-Blondel, G., Martin-Loeches, I., Martin-Quiros, A., Martin, D.-A., Martin, E., Martinot, M., Rego, C. M., Martins, A., Martins, J., Martucci, G., Marwali, E. M., Jimenez, J. F. M., Maslove, D., Mason, S., Matan, M., Mathieu, D., Mattei, M., Matulevics, R., Maulin, L., Mc Evoy, N., McCarthy, A., McCarthy, A., McCloskey, C., McConnochie, R., McDermott, S., McDonald, S., McElwee, S., McEvoy, N., McGeer, A., McGuinness, N., McLean, K. A., McNicholas, B., Meaney, E., Mear-Passard, C., Mechlin, M., Mele, F., Menon, K., Mentre, F., Mentzer, A. J., Mercier, N., Merckx, A., Mergler, B., Merson, L., Mesquita, A., Meybeck, A., Meynert, A. M., Meyssonnier, V., Meziane, A., Mezidi, M., Michelanglei, C., Mihnovits, V., Maldonado, H. M., Mone, M., Moin, A., Molina, D., Molinos, E., Monteiro, A., Montes, C., Montrucchio, G., Moore, S., Moore, S. C., Morales-Cely, L., Moro, L., Tutillo, D. R. M., Motos, A., Mouquet, H., Perrot, C. M., Moyet, J., Mullaert, J., Munblit, D., Murphy, D., Murris, M., Myrodia, D. M., N'guyen, Y., Neant, N., Neb, H., Nekliudov, N. A., Neto, R., Neumann, E., Neves, B., Ng, P. Y., Ng, W. Y., Choileain, O. N., Nichol, A., Nonas, S., Noret, M., Norman, L., Notari, A., Noursadeghi, M., Nowicka, K., Nseir, S., Nunez, J. I., Nyamankolly, E., O'Donnell, M., O'Hearn, K., O'Neil, C., Occhipinti, G., Ogston, T., Ogura, T., Oh, T.-H., Ohshimo, S., Oinam, B. C. S., Oliveira, A. P., Oliveira, J., Olliaro, P., Ong, D. S. Y., Oosthuyzen, W., Openshaw, P. J. M., Orozco-Chamorro, C. M., Orquera, A., Osatnik, J., Ouamara, N., Ouissa, R., Owyang, C., Oziol, E., Povoas, D., Pagadoy, M., Pages, J., Palacios, M., Palmarini, M., Panarello, G., Panda, P. K., Panigada, M., Pansu, N., Papadopoulos, A., Parra, B., Pasquier, J., Patauner, F., Patrao, L., Paul, C., Paul, M., Paulos, J., Paxton, W. A., Payen, J.-F., Pearse, I., Peek, G. J., Peelman, F., Peiffer-Smadja, N., Peigne, V., Pejkovska, M., Peltan, I. D., Pereira, R., Perez, D., Perpoint, T., Pesenti, A., Petrousova, L., Petrov-Sanchez, V., Peytavin, G., Pharand, S., Piagnerelli, M., Picard, W., Picone, O., Piel-Julian, M., Pierobon, C., Pimentel, C., Piroth, L., Pius, R., Piva, S., Plantier, L., Plotkin, D., Poissy, J., Pokorska-Spiewak, M., Poli, S., Pollakis, G., Popielska, J., Postma, D. F., Povoa, P., Powis, J., Prapa, S., Prebensen, C., Preiser, J.-C., Prestre, V., Price, N., Prinssen, A., Pritchard, M. G., Proenca, L., Puechal, O., Purcell, G., Quesada, L., Quist-Paulsen, E., Quraishi, M., Ratsep, I., Rossler, B., Rabaud, C., Rafiq, M., Ragazzo, G., Rainieri, F., Ramakrishnan, N., Ramanathan, K., Rammaert, B., Rapp, C., Rasmin, M., Rau, C., Rebaudet, S., Redl, S., Reeve, B., Reid, L., Reis, R., Remppis, J., Remy, M., Renk, H., Resende, L., Resseguier, A.-S., Revest, M., Rewa, O., Reyes, L. F., Richardson, D., Richardson, D., Richier, L., Riera, J., Rios, A. L., Rishu, A., Rispal, P., Risso, K., Nunez, M. A. R., Rizer, N., Roberto, A., Roberts, S., Robertson, D. L., Robineau, O., Roche-Campo, F., Rodari, P., Rodeia, S., Abreu, J. R., Roilides, E., Rojek, A., Romaru, J., Roncon-Albuquerque, R. J., Roriz, M., Rosa-Calatrava, M., Rose, M., Rosenberger, D., Rossanese, A., Rossignol, B., Rossignol, P., Roy, C., Roze, B., Russell, C. D., Ryckaert, S., Holten, A. R., Choez, X. S., Saba, I., Sadat, M., Saidani, N., Salazar, L., Sales, G., Sallaberry, S., Salvator, H., Sanchez-Miralles, A., Sanchez, O., Sancho-Shimizu, V., Sandhu, G., Sandulescu, O., Santos, M., Sarfo-Mensah, S., Sarton, B., Saviciute, E., Savvidou, P., Scarsbrook, J., Schermer, T., Scherpereel, A., Schneider, M., Schroll, S., Schwameis, M., Scott-Brown, J., Scott, J. T., Sedillot, N., Seitz, T., Semaille, C., Semple, M. G., Senneville, E., Sequeira, F., Sequeira, T., Shadowitz, E., Shamsah, M., Sharma, P., Shaw, C. A., Shaw, V., Shiban, N., Shime, N., Shimizu, H., Shimizu, K., Shrapnel, S., Shum, H. P., Mohammed, N. S., Sigfrid, L., Silva, C., Silva, M. J., Sin, W. C., Skogen, V., Smith, S., Smood, B., Smyth, M., Snacken, M., So, D., Solis, M., Solomon, J., Solomon, T., Somers, E., Sommet, A., Song, M. J., Song, R., Song, T., Sonntagbauer, M., Soum, E., Uva, M. S., Sousa, M., Souza-Dantas, V., Sperry, A., Sriskandan, S., Staudinger, T., Stecher, S.-S., Stienstra, Y., Stiksrud, B., Streinu-Cercel, A., Streinu-Cercel, A., Strudwick, S., Stuart, A., Stuart, D., Sultana, A., Summers, C., Surovcova, M., Svistunov, A. A., Syrigos, K., Sztajnbok, J., Szuldrzynski, K., Teoule, F., Tabrizi, S., Tagherset, L., Talarek, E., Taleb, S., Talsma, J., Van Tan, L., Tanaka, H., Tanaka, T., Taniguchi, H., Tardivon, C., Tattevin, P., Taufik, M. A., Tedder, R. S., Teixeira, J., Tellier, M.-C., Terpstra, P., Terrier, O., Terzi, N., Tessier-Grenier, H., Thibault, V., Thiberville, S.-D., Thill, B., Thompson, A. A. R., Thompson, S., Thomson, D., Thomson, E. C., Thuy, D. B., Thwaites, R. S., Timashev, P. S., Timsit, J.-F., Vijayaraghavan, B. K. T., Toki, M., Tonby, K., Santos-Olmo, R. M. T., Torres, A., Torres, M., Trioux, T., Trieu, H. T., Tromeur, C., Trontzas, I., Troost, J., Trouillon, T., Tual, C., Tubiana, S., Tuite, H., Turtle, L. C. W., Twardowski, P., Uchiyama, M., Ullrich, R., Uribe, A., Usman, A., Val-Flores, L., Van de Velde, S., Van den Berge, M., Van der Feltz, M., Van der Vekens, N., Van der Voort, P., Van der Werf, S., Van Dyk, M., Van Gulik, L., Van Hattem, J., Van Lelyveld, S., Van Netten, C., Vanel, N., Vanoverschelde, H., Vauchy, C., Veislinger, A., Velazco, J., Ventura, S., Verbon, A., Vieira, C., Villanueva, J. A., Villar, J., Villeneuve, P.-M., Villoldo, A., Chau, N. V. V., Visseaux, B., Visser, H., Vuorinen, A., Vuotto, F., Wang, C.-H., Wei, J., Weil, K., Wesselius, S., Wham, M., Whelan, B., White, N., Wiedemann, A., Wille, K., Wils, E.-J., Xynogalas, I., Suen, J. Y., Yacoub, S., Yamazaki, M., Yazdanpanah, Y., Yelnik, C., Yerkovich, S., Yokoyama, T., Yonis, H., Young, P., Yuliarto, S., Zabbe, M., Zacharowski, K., Zahran, M., Zambon, M., Zanella, A., Zawadka, K., Zayyad, H., Zoufaly, A. & Zucman, D., Oct 2021, In: Infection. 49, 5, p. 889-905

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Citations (Scopus)
  • Broad and strong memory CD4(+)and CD8(+)T cells induced by SARS-CoV-2 in UK convalescent individuals following COVID-19

    Peng, Y., Mentzer, A. J., Liu, G., Yao, X., Yin, Z., Dong, D., Dejnirattisai, W., Rostron, T., Supasa, P., Liu, C., Lopez-Camacho, C., Slon-Campos, J., Zhao, Y., Stuart, D. I., Paesen, G. C., Grimes, J. M., Antson, A. A., Bayfield, O. W., Hawkins, D. E. D. P. & Ker, D.-S. & 44 others, Wang, B., Turtle, L., Subramaniam, K., Thomson, P., Zhang, P., Dold, C., Ratcliff, J., Simmonds, P., de Silva, T., Sopp, P., Wellington, D., Rajapaksa, U., Chen, Y.-L., Salio, M., Napolitani, G., Paes, W., Borrow, P., Kessler, B. M., Fry, J. W., Schwabe, N. F., Semple, M. G., Baillie, J. K., Moore, S. C., Openshaw, P. J. M., Ansari, M. A., Dunachie, S., Barnes, E., Frater, J., Kerr, G., Goulder, P., Lockett, T., Levin, R., Zhang, Y., Jing, R., Ho, L.-P., Cornall, R. J., Conlon, C. P., Klenerman, P., Screaton, G. R., Mongkolsapaya, J., McMichael, A., Knight, J. C., Ogg, G. & Dong, T., Nov 2020, In: Nature Immunology. 21, 11, p. 1336-+

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    856 Citations (Scopus)
  • Web crawling ethics revisited: Cost, privacy, and denial of service

    Thelwall, M. & Stuart, D., Nov 2006, In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 57, 13, p. 1771-1779 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    69 Citations (Scopus)