Personal profile

Research interests (short)

  • Ancient Greek and Latin texts
  • Epigraphy & Papyrology
  • Digital philology
  • Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
  • Open Access publication
  • Ancient geography
  • Ancient Greek religion and magic

Research interests

Gabriel’s research interests are in digital study, encoding and publication of classical texts, especially ancient Greek inscriptions. In 2004 he founded the Digital Classicist, a community of expertise in the application of Digital Humanities to the study of the ancient world, and is an administrator of the Stoa. He was on the steering committee of the British Epigraphy Society from 2007-2012, and was an elected member of the Technical Council of the TEI from 2008-2013, an academic group that makes decisions on guidelines and technical development. He is one of the lead authors of the EpiDoc Guidelines, and regularly organises and teaches training workshops in digital epigraphy and papyrology. He led the King’s team on the internationally collaborative Integrating Digital Papyrology project (2007-2011) to convert the DDbDP and other papyrological materials into EpiDoc XML in a new browse and editing platform. He is the principal investigator on the SNAP:DRGN project, networking ancient prosopographies.

Biographical details

Dr Gabriel Bodard’s background is in classics, with training and experience in both papyrology and epigraphy; his PhD was titled, “Witches, Cursing and Necromancy: Archaic and Classical Greek Representations of Magic”. While a graduate student he acquired extensive undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience in both classics and information technology.

His first employment after university was at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae at the University of California, one of the oldest major Digital Humanities projects dealing with Classical texts (and one that shared standards and practices with the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri and Cornell Greek Epigraphy). He then moved to King’s College London, where he built upon his experience in text encoding and markup with work on various digital projects, especially the Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (of which he is co-author), Inscriptions of Libya, and the Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea.

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, Magic in Ancient Greek Literature, University of Reading

Award Date: 1 Jan 2004


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