No photo of Genevieve Lachance

Genevieve Lachance


    • Westminster Bridge Road, St Thomas' Hospital

      SE1 7EH London

      United Kingdom

    • 3613


    Tim Spector

    Person: Clinical

    Tim Hubbard

    Person: Academic

    Cristina Menni

    Person: Academic

    Deborah Hart

    Person: Professional Services

    Thomas McAdams

    Person: Academic

    John R. B. Perry

    • University of Cambridge

    External person

    Linda Broer

    • Erasmus University Medical Center
    • Erasm us Medical Center

    External person

    Eva Albrecht

    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH

    External person

    Nancy L. Pedersen

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Massimo Mangino

    • King's College London
    • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's St Thomas' National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust and King's College London

    External person

    Mark Lathrop

    • The Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
    • Medical University of Vienna
    • McGill University
    • Department of Human Genetics and Department of Clinical Genetics
    • Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Genoscope, Evry, France.
    • Fondation Jean Dausset-Centre D'Étude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)
    • Centre National de Génotypage

    External person

    Joe Dennis

    • University of Cambridge
    • Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Institute of Public Health

    External person

    John R. B. Perry

    • Cambridge Biomedical Campus

    External person

    Toshiko Tanaka

    • National Institute on Aging

    External person

    Benjamin Knier

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Ariel Knafo-noam

    • Hebrew University

    External person

    Jonathan P. Tyrer

    • Department of Oncology

    External person

    Anna Murray

    • University of Exeter

    External person

    Xiaohu Ding

    • National Sun Yat-sen University
    • Sun Yat-sen University

    External person

    Liming Li

    • Peking University Health Science Center

    External person

    Jamie Bentham

    • Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics

    External person

    Ellen A. Nohr

    • University of Southern Denmark

    External person

    Gil Atzmon

    • Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    • Yeshiva University
    • University of Haifa

    External person

    Elena G Bochukova

    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    External person

    Judith S Brand

    • Erasmus University Medical Center

    External person

    Peter Vollenweider

    • University of Lausanne

    External person

    Louise Cleal

    • MRC Human Genetics Unit

    External person

    Catherine Tuvblad

    • USC University of Southern California
    • Örebro University

    External person

    Kathryn L. Lunetta

    • Boston University

    External person

    Laura M. Yerges-Armstrong

    • University of Maryland

    External person

    Achim Berthele

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Ewan Birney

    • Wellcome Trust

    External person

    Felix Luessi

    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis
    • University of Mainz

    External person

    Alfonso Buil

    • University of Geneva

    External person

    Klaudia Walter

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute
    • Wellcome Trust

    External person

    Tune H. Pers

    • University of Copenhagen
    • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
    • Boston Children's Hospital
    • Statens Serum Institut

    External person

    Kyriaki Michailidou

    • University of Cambridge
    • Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Institute of Public Health

    External person

    Albertine J. Oldehinkel

    • University Medical Center Groningen

    External person

    Chin Yang Shapland

    • Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
    • University of Bristol
    • Bristol Medical School

    External person

    Johan G. Eriksson

    • University of Helsinki
    • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
    • Folkhalsan Res Ctr, Helsinki
    • HUCH Comprehensive Cancer Center
    • National University Health System
    • National Institute for Health and Welfare

    External person

    S. Alexandra Burt

    • Michigan State University

    External person

    Shandell Pahlen

    • University of California, Riverside

    External person

    Andrew Bakshi

    • University of Queensland

    External person

    Janna Saarela

    • University of Helsinki
    • University of Oslo

    External person

    Lude Franke

    • University of Groningen
    • University Medical Center Groningen
    • Oncode Institute

    External person

    Simon Haworth

    • Bristol Dental School and Hospital

    External person

    Klaus Berger

    • Institut für Kernphysik

    External person

    Melissa C. Southey

    • University of Melbourne
    • Monash University

    External person

    Glen E. Duncan

    • Washington State University Spokane

    External person

    Dennis O. Mook-Kanamori

    • LUMC Leiden University Medical Center

    External person

    Sandra Vukusic

    • CHU de Lyon
    • Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon
    • Université Lyon 1
    • Eugène Devic EDMUS Foundation against Multiple Sclerosis

    External person

    Stig E. Bojesen

    • Gentofte University Hospital
    • Section of Forensic Genetics, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • Copenhagen University Hospital

    External person

    Felix R. Day

    • Cambridge Biomedical Campus
    • University of Cambridge
    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    External person

    Uwe Völker

    • Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance
    • Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald
    • Institute for Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology
    • Department of Internal Medicine B

    External person

    Bertrand Fontaine

    • INSERM
    • Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière

    External person

    Luigi Ferrucci

    • National Institute on Aging

    External person

    Archie Campbell

    • University of Edinburgh
    • Medical Schoo

    External person

    Jorge E Chavarro

    • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    External person

    Ayellet V. Segrè

    • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
    • Harvard Medical School

    External person

    Ute Hamann

    • German Cancer Research Center

    External person

    Frank Hu

    • Harvard University

    External person

    Joseph Replogle

    • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • Harvard Medical School
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Columbia University

    External person

    Thérèse Truong

    • Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research)
    • CESP (Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health), U1018
    • UMRS 1018
    • U1018, Environmental Epidemiology of Cancer Team
    • University of Paris XI - University of Paris-Sud
    • INSERM
    • Environmental Epidemiology of Cancer
    • Unité Mixte de Recherche Scientifique (UMRS) 1018

    External person

    Mara Brendgen

    • Sainte-Justine Hospital Research Centre

    External person

    Thomas Korn

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis
    • Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
    • Helmholtz Center Munich

    External person

    Joyce Y. Tung

    • 23andMe
    • 23andMe Inc.

    External person

    Kaare Christensen

    • University of Southern Denmark

    External person

    Matthias W. Beckmann

    • University Hospital Erlangen

    External person

    Mònica Guxens

    • Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL)
    • Pompeu Fabra University
    • IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    • University Medical Center

    External person

    Heli Nevanlinna

    • HUCH Comprehensive Cancer Center

    External person

    Andrew Jackson

    • MRC Human Genetics Unit

    External person

    Christiane Gasperi

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Josine L. Min

    • Bristol Dental School and Hospital
    • University of Bristol
    • MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit
    • Bristol Medical School

    External person

    Richard Saffery

    • Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
    • University of Melbourne

    External person

    Phoebe Winn

    • Columbia University

    External person

    Helle Bach Søndergaard

    • University of Copenhagen

    External person

    Ken K. Ong

    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    • University of Cambridge
    • Department of Paediatrics
    • Cambridge Biomedical Campus

    External person

    Robert A. Scott

    • Addenbrooke's Hospital
    • University of Cambridge

    External person

    Lude Franke

    • University Medical Center Groningen

    External person

    Thomas M. Mack

    • USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
    • Keck School of Medicine of USC

    External person

    Ozren Polasek

    • University of Split
    • University of Split Medical School
    • Psychiatric Hospital for Children and Youth Zagreb
    • University of Split School of Medicine
    • Algebra University College
    • University Hospital Split
    • Psychiatric Hospital Sveti Ivan

    External person

    Jingmei Li

    • Human Genetics Division
    • Genome Inst Singapore
    • Genome Institute of Singapore
    • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

    External person

    Bernhard Hemmer

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis
    • Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)

    External person

    Maristella Steri

    • CNR National Research Council Italy

    External person

    Aarno Palotie

    • 1] Analytical and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA [2] Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA.
    • UCL University College London
    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Program in Medical and Population Genetics
    • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
    • University of Helsinki
    • Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit
    • Learning Disability Psychiatry Department
    • Schwerin and Neurology Department

    External person

    J Brent Richards

    • McGill University

    External person

    Yoshie Yokoyama

    • Osaka Prefecture University

    External person

    Ilja M. Nolte

    • University Medical Center Groningen

    External person

    Aline Jelenkovic

    • Universidad del Pais Vasco
    • University of Helsinki

    External person

    Joel Eriksson

    • Sahlgrenska Academy

    External person

    Christian Gieger

    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH
    • German Center for Diabetes Research
    • Pettenkofer School of Public Health

    External person

    George Davey-Smith

    • University of Bristol
    • Bristol Dental School and Hospital
    • University of Bristol and University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
    • University of East Anglia
    • Bristol Medical School

    External person

    Douglas Blackwood

    • Medical Schoo

    External person

    Annette Peters

    • Institute of Epidemiology II
    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH

    External person

    Christa Meisinger

    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH

    External person

    Morten Bjerregaard-andersen

    • Bandim Health Project
    • Hospital of Southwest Jutland
    • Odense University Hospital

    External person

    Muhammad Ayub

    • Queens University

    External person

    Francesco Cucca

    • University of Sassari
    • CNR National Research Council Italy

    External person

    Graham G. Giles

    • Cancer Council Victoria

    External person

    Brendan T. Keenan

    • University of Pennsylvania

    External person

    Sandosh Padmanabhan

    • University of Glasgow
    • Faculty of Medicine

    External person

    Vincent Damotte

    • INSERM
    • Université Lille Nord de France

    External person

    Finn Rasmussen

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Jeffrey C. Barrett

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute

    External person

    André G Uitterlinden

    • Erasmus University Medical Center
    • Erasm us Medical Center
    • Netherlands Genomics Initiative

    External person

    Bram P. Prins

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute

    External person

    Verena Grummel

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Judy L Silberg

    • Department of Human and Molecular Genetics, Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA.
    • Medical College of Virginia

    External person

    Marc Jan Bonder

    • European Molecular Biology Laboratory Cambridge
    • Wellcome Sanger Institute
    • University Medical Center Groningen

    External person

    Thorkild I A SØrensen

    • University of Copenhagen
    • University of Bristol
    • Section of Forensic Genetics, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    External person

    David Karasik

    • Harvard Medical School
    • Bar-Ilan University

    External person

    Christina M. Lill

    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis
    • University of Mainz
    • Institut für Integrative und ExperimentelleGenomik
    • University Hospital Schleswig- Holstein
    • Imperial College London

    External person

    Martine Vrijheid

    • Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL)
    • Pompeu Fabra University
    • IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    • CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Pública (CIBERESP)

    External person

    Axel Skytthe

    • University of Southern Denmark

    External person

    Frits R Rosendaal

    • LUMC Leiden University Medical Center

    External person

    Marike Gabrielson

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Caterina Barbieri

    • Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
    • INFN Sezione di Milano-Bicocca
    • INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
    • INFN Sezione di Milano

    External person

    Behrooz Z. Alizadeh

    • University Medical Center Groningen
    • Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) Investigators

    External person

    Kamila Czene

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    David Mankuta

    • Hebrew University Medical School

    External person

    Sergio E. Baranzini

    • University of California, San Francisco

    External person

    Heather J. Cordell

    • Newcastle University

    External person

    Martin Bobrow

    • Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    External person

    Ruedi Aebersold

    • Department of Tumour Biology
    • Institute of Molecular Systems Biology
    • ETH Zurich
    • Cairo University
    • University of Zürich
    • Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich

    External person

    Gyda Bjornsdottir

    • DeCODE Genetics/Amgen

    External person

    Dedra Buchwald

    • Washington State University Spokane

    External person

    Jordi Sunyer

    • Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL)
    • Pompeu Fabra University
    • IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    • Servicio de Medicina Interna y Enfermedades Infecciosas, Hospital del Mar-IMIM and RETICEF

    External person

    Qin Wang

    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    External person

    Finn Sellebjerg

    • University of Copenhagen

    External person

    Paul D. P. Pharoah

    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    • Department of Public Health and Primary Care
    • Department of Oncology

    External person

    Vinicius Tragante

    • UMC University Medical Center Utrecht
    • DeCODE Genetics/Amgen

    External person

    Ayush Giri

    • Vanderbilt University Medical Center

    External person

    Wendy Cozen

    • Keck School of Medicine of USC
    • USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

    External person

    Claudia Langenberg

    • University of Cambridge
    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    • Comprehensive Allergy Center

    External person

    Ioannis S. Vlachos

    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Harvard Medical School
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Athens University Medical School

    External person

    Daniel I. Chasman

    • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • Harvard Medical School

    External person

    Robert F Krueger

    • University of Minnesota
    • University of Minnesota Twin Cities

    External person

    Ioanna Tachmazidou

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute

    External person

    Alkes L. Price

    • Kings Coll London, Kings College London, University of London

    External person

    Claire M. A. Haworth

    • University of Warwick

    External person

    Mitul Shah

    • Department of Oncology
    • University of Cambridge
    • Department of Oncology

    External person

    Cristin McCabe

    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    External person

    Roger L. Milne

    • Cancer Council Victoria
    • University of Melbourne
    • Monash University

    External person

    Joanne M. Murabito

    • Boston University School of Medicine

    External person

    Marjanka K. Schmidt

    • University Hospital Mainz
    • The Netherlands Cancer Institute
    • Division of Molecular Pathology
    • Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital
    • LUMC Leiden University Medical Center

    External person

    Fernando Rivadeneira

    • Erasmus University Medical Center

    External person

    Henrik Ullum

    • University of Copenhagen

    External person

    Dinu Antony

    • University of Oxford
    • Institute of Child Health
    • UCL University College London
    • Molecular Medicine Unit
    • UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

    External person

    Robin P. Corley

    • University of Colorado

    External person

    James F. Wilson

    • Medical Schoo
    • MRC Human Genetics Unit
    • University of Edinburgh

    External person

    María Soler Artigas

    • University of Leicester

    External person

    Rick Jansen

    • VU Amsterdam

    External person

    Christian Kandler

    • University of Bremen

    External person

    Alexander Teumer

    • Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance
    • Institute for Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology
    • Department of Internal Medicine B
    • Medical University of Bialystok

    External person

    Jenny A. Visser

    • Erasmus University Medical Center

    External person

    Emily Hallberg

    • Mayo Clinic

    External person

    John L. Hopper

    • University of Melbourne
    • Seoul National University

    External person

    Peter K Joshi

    • University of Edinburgh

    External person

    Eco J.C.N. de Geus

    • Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute
    • VU Amsterdam
    • Amsterdam UMC

    External person

    Carol Wang

    • University of Newcastle, Australia
    • University of Western Australia

    External person

    Onigiusz Zarzycki

    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    External person

    Daniel F. Gudbjartsson

    • DeCODE Genetics/Amgen

    External person

    Maria Pina Concas

    • IRCCS Burlo Garofolo

    External person

    Ioannis Pavlos Panteliadis

    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    External person

    Fazil Aliev

    • Virginia Commonwealth University

    External person

    Harald Grallert

    • German Center for Diabetes Research
    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH

    External person

    Elisabeth Altmaier

    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH

    External person

    Lior Abramson

    • Hebrew University

    External person

    Catherine A Derom

    • University Hospitals Leuven
    • Ghent University

    External person

    Lindon J Eaves

    • University of Colorado
    • Virginia Commonwealth University
    • Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics

    External person

    Hiltrud Brauch

    • Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institute of Clinical Pharmacology
    • University of Tuebingen

    External person

    Katherine S. Ruth

    • University of Exeter
    • University of Exeter Medical School

    External person

    Senduran Bala

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute

    External person

    Per Soelberg Sorensen

    • University of Copenhagen
    • Rigshospitalet

    External person

    Eulalia Catamo

    • IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
    • University of Trieste

    External person

    Tarunveer S. Ahluwalia

    • University of Copenhagen

    External person

    Robert Karlsson

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Jeffrey M. Craig

    • Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
    • University of Melbourne
    • Deakin University

    External person

    K. Paige Harden

    • University of Texas at Austin

    External person

    Diana L. Cousminer

    • The Center for Applied Genomics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    • University of Eastern Finland
    • University of Helsinki
    • University of Pennsylvania

    External person

    Muni Hoshi

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Harry Campbell

    • University of Edinburgh
    • Medical Schoo
    • MRC Human Genetics Unit

    External person

    Kimberly J. Saudino

    • Boston University

    External person

    Tamara B. Harris

    • Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science Laboratory
    • National Institute on Aging
    • NIH National Institutes of Health

    External person

    Javier Benitez

    • CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas
    • Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF)
    • Human Genetics Group
    • Center for Networked Biomedical Research into Rare Diseases (CIBERER)

    External person

    Zengchang Pang

    • Qingdao Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    External person

    Thomas Brüning

    • Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance
    • Ruhr-University Bochum
    • Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance (IPA)
    • Institute for Prevention Occupational Medicine
    • Universitat Bochum

    External person

    Frank Vitaro

    • CHU Ste Justine Hospital
    • University of Montreal

    External person

    Kelly L. Klump

    • Michigan State University

    External person

    An Goris

    • KU Leuven

    External person

    Parisa Shoostari

    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Yale University
    • The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute

    External person

    Garrett Wong

    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Harvard Medical School

    External person

    Manjeet K. Bolla

    • University of Cambridge
    • Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Institute of Public Health

    External person

    Antonietta Robino

    • IRCCS Burlo Garofolo

    External person

    Chris Boustred

    • UCL University College London

    External person

    M. Arfan Ikram

    • Department of Environmental Epidemiology
    • Erasmus University Medical Center
    • Department of Radiology, Kantonsspital Graubuenden
    • Schwerin and Neurology Department

    External person

    Ronald De Vlaming

    • VU Amsterdam
    • Erasmus University Medical Center

    External person

    Minh Bui

    • University of Melbourne
    • School of Population Health

    External person

    Julie E. Buring

    • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • Harvard Medical School

    External person

    Amanda B. Spurdle

    • QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

    External person

    Chris Cotsapas

    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Yale University

    External person

    Mike A. Nalls

    • National Institute on Aging
    • Data Tecnica International

    External person

    Debbie A. Lawlor

    • Bristol Medical School
    • University of Bristol and University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
    • University of Bristol

    External person

    Robert Winqvist

    • Oulun Yliopisto
    • Northern Finland Laboratory Centre Oulu

    External person

    Phil Beales

    • UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
    • UCL University College London

    External person

    Catharina A. Hartman

    • University Medical Center Groningen

    External person

    Raymond Noordam

    • LUMC Leiden University Medical Center

    External person

    Brooke M. Huibregtse

    • University of Colorado

    External person

    Joop S. E. Laven

    • Erasmus University Medical Center

    External person

    A. Larsson

    • Uppsala University

    External person

    Maartje J. Hooning

    • Erasmus MC Cancer Institute

    External person

    Xia Shen

    • Medical Schoo
    • Karolinska Institute
    • National Sun Yat-sen University
    • Fudan University
    • University of Edinburgh

    External person

    Eleonora Porcu

    • National Research Council

    External person

    Nicholas Eriksson

    • 23andMe
    • 23andMe Inc.

    External person

    Katharina E. Schraut

    • University of Edinburgh

    External person

    Jenny Chang-Claude

    • German Cancer Research Center
    • Universitatsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf und Medizinische Fakultat

    External person

    Tojo James

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Hilary K Finucane

    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

    External person

    Caroline Hayward

    • MRC Human Genetics Unit

    External person

    Adam Santaniello

    • University of California, San Francisco

    External person

    Dorret I. Boomsma

    • VU Amsterdam
    • Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine (EMGO) and Department of Psychiatry
    • BBMRINL: Infrastructure for the Application of Metabolomics Technology in Epidemiology (RP4)
    • Amsterdam UMC
    • Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center
    • Amsterdam Reproduction and Development
    • Netherlands Twin Register

    External person

    Susan M. Ring

    • University of Bristol

    External person

    Shoumo Bhattacharya

    • Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics

    External person

    David J. Porteous

    • Wales West General Hospital
    • Medical Schoo

    External person

    Sari Aaltonen

    • University of Helsinki

    External person

    Lise Wegner Thørner

    • University of Copenhagen

    External person

    Ashley H Beecham

    • University of Miami

    External person

    Maria Cimpean

    • Columbia University

    External person

    Morten Sodemann

    • Odense University Hospital

    External person

    Jennifer Huffmann

    • MRC Human Genetics Unit
    • Boston VA Healthcare System

    External person

    Aaron Brandes

    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    External person

    Michel Boivin

    • Université Laval

    External person

    George McMahon

    • University of Bristol

    External person

    Lise Dubois

    • University of Ottawa

    External person

    Lawrence F Bielak

    • University of Michigan School of Public Health

    External person

    Lars Bertram

    • Institut für Integrative und ExperimentelleGenomik
    • Imperial College London
    • University of Oslo

    External person

    Renée De Mutsert

    • LUMC Leiden University Medical Center

    External person

    Paul M. Ridker

    • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • Harvard Medical School

    External person

    Rebecca Bounds

    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    External person

    Till F.M. Andlauer

    • Max-Planck-Institut fur Psychiatrie
    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Igor Rudan

    • Medical Schoo

    External person

    Christiane Graetz

    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis
    • University Hospital Mainz

    External person

    Sara Lindstrom

    • Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology Department
    • Harvard University
    • Qingdao Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    External person

    Harold Snieder

    • University Medical Center Groningen

    External person

    Karri Silventoinen

    • University of Helsinki
    • Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

    External person

    Per Tynelius

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Peter A. Fasching

    • University Hospital Erlangen
    • University of California

    External person

    Inês Barroso

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute
    • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    External person

    Amie E. Hwang

    • Keck School of Medicine of USC

    External person

    Gail Davies

    • Medical Schoo

    External person

    Ginette Dionne

    • Université Laval

    External person

    Saeed Al Turki

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute
    • King Abdulaziz Medical City- Riyadh

    External person

    Nicholas G. Martin

    • QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

    External person

    Esther Rebato

    • Universidad del Pais Vasco

    External person

    Zoltan Kutalik

    • University of Exeter Medical School
    • Lausanne University Hospital
    • SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

    External person

    Elliot M. Tucker-drob

    • University of Texas at Austin

    External person

    Nora Franceschini

    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    External person

    Lærke Sass

    • University of Copenhagen
    • Naestved Hospital

    External person

    David A. Hinds

    • 23andMe
    • 23andMe Inc.

    External person

    Janine F. Felix

    • Erasmus University Medical Center

    External person

    Arto Mannermaa

    • University of Eastern Finland
    • Kuopio University Hospital

    External person

    Henning Beck-nielsen

    • Odense University Hospital

    External person

    Penelope A. Lind

    • QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
    • Queensland University of Technology QUT
    • University of Queensland
    • Faculty of Medicine

    External person

    Tarunveer S. Ahluwalia

    • Steno Diabetes Center
    • University of Copenhagen
    • Section of Forensic Genetics, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • Gentofte University Hospital

    External person

    Reijo Sund

    • University of Eastern Finland

    External person

    Laura A. Baker

    • USC University of Southern California

    External person

    Henry Völzke

    • University of Greifswald
    • Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance
    • Greifswald University Hospital
    • University Medicine Greifswald
    • Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
    • Site Greifswald 85764
    • Institute for Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology
    • Department of Internal Medicine B

    External person

    Lavinia Paternoster

    • University of Bristol
    • Bristol Dental School and Hospital

    External person

    Paul Lichtenstein

    • Karolinska Institute

    External person

    Nicholas J. Wareham

    • University of Cambridge

    External person

    Viola Pongratz

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Pascal Guénel

    • Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research)
    • CESP (Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health), U1018
    • UMRS 1018
    • Environmental Epidemiology of Cancer
    • University of Paris XI - University of Paris-Sud
    • U1018, Environmental Epidemiology of Cancer Team
    • INSERM
    • Unité Mixte de Recherche Scientifique (UMRS) 1018
    • Université Paris-Saclay
    • Versailles St-Quentin University
    • Gustave Roussy Institute

    External person

    Immaculata De Vivo

    • Harvard Medical School
    • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    External person

    Lili Milani

    • TU University of Tartu
    • Estonian Biocentre

    External person

    Allison Robbins

    • Columbia University

    External person

    Jane Wardle

    • UCL University College London

    External person

    Konstantin Strauch

    • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
    • Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH
    • Pettenkofer School of Public Health
    • University Hospital Mainz

    External person

    Hae Kyung Im

    • University of Chicago

    External person

    Angela Cox

    • University of Sheffield
    • Section of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity, University of Sheffield School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, L Floor, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield, UK.

    External person

    Mark I. McCarthy

    • University of Oxford
    • Oxford University Hospitals Trust
    • Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine

    External person

    Robert F. Vlietinck

    • University Hospitals Leuven

    External person

    Caroline Hayward

    • University of Edinburgh
    • Medical Schoo
    • MRC Human Genetics Unit

    External person

    Nicholas J. Timpson

    • University of Bristol
    • Bristol Dental School and Hospital
    • Bristol Medical School

    External person

    Isabel dos Santos Silva

    • LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
    • Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology Department
    • Faculty of Public Health and Policy

    External person

    Peter Kraft

    • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    External person

    Dorothea Buck

    • Technical University of Munich
    • German competence network for multiple sclerosis

    External person

    Richard Anney

    • Department of Urology

    External person

    Hermine H Maes

    • Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics
    • VCU School of Medicine
    • Virginia Commonwealth University

    External person

    Hamdi Mbarek

    • VU Amsterdam
    • Qatar Foundation
    • Amsterdam Reproduction and Development
    • Amsterdam UMC

    External person

    Georgia Chenevix-Trench

    • QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

    External person

    Charles C. White

    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Columbia University

    External person

    Ko Willems van Dijk

    • LUMC Leiden University Medical Center
    • Einthoven Laboratory for Experimental Vascular Medicine

    External person

    Carolina Medina-Gomez

    • Erasmus University Medical Center
    • Netherlands Genomics Initiative

    External person

    Mingguang He

    • Sun Yat-sen University
    • University of Melbourne

    External person

    Cinzia F Sala

    • Fondazione San Raffaele del Monte Tabor

    External person

    Manolis Kellis

    • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    External person

    Carl A. Anderson

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute

    External person

    Valentina Iotchkova

    • Wellcome Sanger Institute
    • Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine

    External person

    Abigail Fisher

    • UCL University College London

    External person

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