Georgina Robinson

Georgina Robinson


    Personal profile

    Research interests

    My PhD investigates the embodied and voiced narratives of women in capoeira: an Afro-Brazilian martial art, dance, and musical tradition. I am interested in the power negotiations and identity (re-)constructions experienced by the growing number of women who have been taking part in this practice since the 1970s. As a capoeira practitioner myself, I use an ethnographic approach to conduct a cross-cultural comparison of how this embodied art form determines the agencies of women in different contexts in Brazil and in Europe.

    My research interests include Brazilian cultural studies; gender studies; decolonialism; martial arts and performance; African diaspora; music; dance; and Lusophone language and literature.

    Education/Academic qualification

    Hispanic Studies, Master of Philosophy, 'A mulher entrou na roda': Women in Brazilian and European Capoeira, University of Bristol

    Award Date: 21 Sept 2021

    Post-graduate Certificate in Education, Postgraduate Certificate , PGCE Modern Languages (French and Spanish), University of Bristol

    Award Date: 30 Jun 2013

    French, Bachelor of Arts, University of Oxford

    Award Date: 15 Jul 2011


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