Jason Luger

Jason Luger


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Personal profile

Biographical details

Jason has worked and studied in a number of countries before undertaking his PhD at King's. Previously, he worked in a variety of policy and research roles, predominantly advising local and regional governments on economic development and planning issues. He received his BS in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University in the United States, and MA in Urban Regeneration and Development from the University of Manchester, UK. Whilst completing his PhD, Jason has developed post-graduate modules on Sustainable Urban Environments for the University of Birmingham, and has developed and delivered a King's College London Summer School Course titled "London and the British City, Past and Present" that is associated with the UK / US Fulbright Summer Institute. Aside from his research and teaching, Jason is a big fan of cities and their many stories and hidden wonders, travelling, interesting and peculiar climates, urban markets and colorful food, and the unique history of any given place.

Research interests (short)

PhD title: 'Creative Singapore: Paradoxes and Possibilities" 

Member of the Cities research group.

Research interests

Jason is currently completing a PhD study looking at the ways in which 'creativity' policy has been interpreted and utilized in Singapore, by State actors as well as artists and activists. He conducted ethnographic research in Singapore over a 7-month period in 2012/2013 in an attempt to explore what insights can be drawn from the ways in which policies travel, are understood, are deployed, and are sometimes subverted and resisted in different ways. Jason's future research will see him expanding his study on Singapore to a more comparative lens, bringing in examples and cases from other parts of the world. Specifically, he is interested in the ways in which Global learning occurs and the ways strategies move from one place to another, and the impacts of such strategies as they reach the intended (and unintended) recipients. 

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth


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