Julia Crick Image: John Deehan for the Royal Historical Society

Julia Crick


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Personal profile

Research interests

Julia Crick is Professor of Palaeography and Manuscript Studies. She came to King's from the University of Exeter where she held the posts of lecturer, Senior Lecturer and then Associate Professor in the Department of History, co-founding with Simon Barton and Andrea Williams the MA in Medieval Studies, whose creation led to the formation of the Centre for Medieval Studies. She spent her early career in Cambridge, completing her first and second degrees in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic and the Faculty of History, before holding a research fellowship and then tutorship at Gonville and Caius College. Her research interests centre on the history and manuscript culture of medieval Britain: the transmission of knowledge, texts and information, the learning and imitation of script and script-styles, particularly across political boundaries, the function of the past, including origin legends and forgery. She was awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to investigate script and forgery in Britain to A.D. 1100 (2008-10). She is currently Principal Investigator of the AHRC-funded Research Project, The Conqueror's Commissioners: Unlocking the Domesday Survey of South-West England (2014-17).            

              Julia Crick has served on the editorial board of the Blackwells journal Early Medieval Europe, on the Advisory Board of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists from 2008-11, for a short period as its Acting Second Vice-President, and on the international advisory boards of several research projects. She has been a member of the Royal Historical Society-British Academy Joint Committee on Anglo-Saxon Charters since 2002 and is member of the Comité scientifique of the Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi and in 2015 was elected member of the Comité internationale de paléographie latine. She has visited the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, Cambridge, as a Research Associate. She has delivered plenary lectures in London, New York, Aberdeen, Glasgow, and in May 2011 she attended the 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo MI as Richard Rawlinson Congress Speaker. Since 2013 she has directed the Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies at King's, she is a member of the London Palaeography Teachers' Group, and she convenes the London Medieval Manuscripts Seminar.

Julia Crick teaches postgraduate courses on medieval palaeography and codicology, with a specialist option on the scripts of Britain, 600-1100, and undergraduate options on the history of the book. She has supervised doctoral dissertations on a variety of subjects from Anglo-Saxon landholding to twelfth-century historical writing. She is currently engaged in the supervision of dissertations relating to the palaeography and history of England between 900 and 1250.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

Award Date: 1 Jan 1989

External positions

Chair, British Academy - Royal Historical Society Joint Committee on Anglo-Saxon Charters

Mar 2022 → …

Chair, London Palaeography Teachers' Group

Sept 2021 → …

Chair, Starting Grants Panel SH6 The Study of the Human Past, European Research Council


Convenor, London Medieval Manuscripts Seminar

Sept 2014 → …


  • D111 Medieval History
  • Medieval palaeography
  • Medieval perceptions of the past (Geoffrey of Monmouth and the British history, prophecy, historical ideology and origin legends)
  • History of medieval Britain (to 1200)
  • Land and power in Anglo-Saxon England (including Anglo-Saxon charters)


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