Juliet Foster

Juliet Foster


    • Institute of Psychiatry
      De Crespigny Park

      United Kingdom

    • 287

    Personal profile

    Research interests

    I am a social psychologist interested in issues of health and illness, and in particular mental health. I have a particular interest in public understanding. I see knowledge as something which is socially developed, shared, maintained and challenged, and as such draw on theories from sociocultural psychology, including the theory of social representations. Much of my work considers the way that mental health problems are understood within wider society and the implications of this, and as part of this have collaborated with colleagues in a variety of fields inclulding history and theatre studies. 

    I also use these approaches in my research into student mental health and wellbeing. In this field, I am involved in several projects related to students' understandings of a variety of relevant topics, such as loneliness and peer support. I am also interested in the evaluation of the 'whole university' approach to mental health and wellbeing, partly as a result of my role as Academic Lead for Student Mental Health and Wellbeing at King's College London, and as an assessor for the University Mental Health Charter.  

    I specialise in qualitative research and have a particular current interest in research methods that move beyond verbal data collection. 

    Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

    • SDG 1 - No Poverty
    • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
    • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Education/Academic qualification

    Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy, The social representations of mental health problems held by clients of the mental health services, University of Cambridge

    Award Date: 1 May 2002

    Social Psychology, Master in Science, LSE London School of Economics & Political Science

    Award Date: 1 Oct 1998

    Social and Political Sciences (Psychology), Master of Arts, University of Cambridge

    Award Date: 1 Jul 1996

    External positions

    Member of Editorial Board, Qualitative Health Psychology

    1 Jun 2023 → …

    Chair of the Education and Training Board, British Psychological Society

    1 May 20191 Sept 2020

    Member of Board of Trustees, British Psychological Society

    1 May 20191 Sept 2020

    Member of Editorial Board, Psychology, Public Policy and Law

    Jan 2019 → …

    Associate Editor, Papers on Social Representations

    Jan 2011 → …


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