12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Katie Mark with the persons below:
Katherine Bristowe
- Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation - Senior Lecturer in Palliative Care
Person: Academic
Judith Dunn
Rachel Latham
- Social Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Person: Research
Ira Madan
Dominic Murphy
Elena Opie-Bassano
Marie-Louise Sharp
- Military Health (KCMHR & ADMMH)
- Psychological Medicine - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Member, Research
Sharon Stevelink
- Military Health (KCMHR & ADMMH)
- Psychological Medicine - Reader in Epidemiology
Person: Member, Academic