Konstantina Vogiatzaki

Konstantina Vogiatzaki


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Personal profile

Research interests

My research provides a bridge between fundamental and applied fluid mechanics for the better understanding of complex systems. My main focus is developing novel numerical tools based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Machine Learning (ML) that support the virtual design of low-carbon footprint propulsion and energy systems.  More recently I have extended my research to applying the numerical tools I develop to the biomedical field (lung modelling) as well. I have expertise on tackling problems involving the interaction of turbulence with reactive (multiphase) flows, sustainable fuels, cryogenic fluids, supercritical fluids and porous media.

Biographical details

I graduated from the Department of Applied Mathematics at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2005 and I obtained my PhD from Imperial College London (2010) entitled “Stochastic and deterministic multiple mapping conditioning for jet flames”. My PhD work has been highly regarded for its innovative nature in the field of fundamental combustion modelling based on probabilistic approaches. For my PhD, I was awarded the prestigious Bernard Lewis Fellowship by the Combustion Institute in 2010 for my work on a novel turbulent combustion modelling framework (namely Multiple Mapping Conditioning, MMC). Following my PhD I worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Imperial College for two years, developing LES models for sprays in gas turbines, before moving to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA where I was appointed as Research Scientist at the Mechanical Engineering Department for two years. I was leading the CFD team of the MIT’s Reacting Gas Dynamics Laboratory. I worked towords developing numerical tools for the modelling of combustion instabilities and fluid mixing for hydrogen  fuelled systems.   In September 2016 I got promoted to Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton and joined the Advanced Engineering Center before moving to King's College in 2022. Currently I am an EPSRC-UKRI Innovation Fellow in the field of cryogenic fluids. 


Education/Academic qualification

Mechanicsl Engineering , Doctor of Engineering, Stochastic and deterministic multiple mapping conditioning for turbulent reacting jets., Imperial College London

Award Date: 1 Mar 2010

Applied Mathematics, Bachelor of Applied Science, National Technical University of Athens

Award Date: 1 Sept 2005


  • TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
  • Multiphase Flows
  • Combustion
  • Turbulence
  • Low Temperature Engineering and Cryogenics
  • Supercritical Fluids


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