Luigi Lonardo

Luigi Lonardo


Personal profile

Research interests

My research focuses on the law of European Union's Foreign Policy and diplomacy.

This includes a legal and institutional assessment of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU, the role of the Court of Justice, and judicial protection in CFSP.

The research is based not only on legal sources, but takes into account the historical development of the EU, as well as international relations literature. 

My academic interests extend to International Law, International Relations, Political Theory and European History.

Biographical details

I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the War Studies Department, King's College London, and a Teaching Assistant at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po.

I hold an LLM in EU Law (with distinction) from King's College London and a Law degree (110 cum laude/110) from the University of Bologna. I has attended summer schools and courses in International Politics at the London School of Economics, the University of Cambridge and the Ecole National d'Administration (Paris). Before starting my PhD, I interned at the international law firm Hogan Lovells LLP (Milan office). During my PhD, I interned at the London-based NGO The Equal Right Trust.

Email: [email protected]

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Laws, LLM in EU Law (with distinction) , Law, The Dickson Poon School of Law

Award Date: 1 Dec 2014

Italian Law Degree, Master of Laws, Università di Bologna

Award Date: 5 Nov 2014


  • K Law (General)
  • EU law
  • International Relations Theory
  • Diplomacy
  • International Law
  • CFSP
  • EU foreign policy
  • EU External Relations Law
  • Security
  • Defence


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