Manuel Penades Fons

Manuel Penades Fons


  • Reader in International Commercial Law, Laws
  • Phone81739

Personal profile

Biographical details

Manuel Penades joined King’s College London in September 2016, where he researches and teaches in the field of international commercial law. He holds an LLM from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) and two degrees on Law and Business Studies [First Class Honours] from the University of Valencia (Spain). His PhD examined the relationship between International commercial arbitration and cross-border insolvency proceedings. Before joining King’s College London, Manuel worked at the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), the University of Warwick (UK) and the University of Valencia (Spain).

Manuel is a qualified solicitor (England & Wales) and abogado (Spain), non-practising, and before his academic career worked in a major arbitration firm in London and clerked at the Commercial Court of Valencia. 


Research interests

Manuel’s main research focuses on international arbitration, cross-border insolvency law and conflict of laws for commercial contracts. While also interested in theoretical and conceptual work, he is particularly attracted by the challenges that each of those disciplines generate when they interact with other legal fields. Examples of this are the impact of insolvency proceedings on arbitration; the use of arbitration in the context of merger control; the participation of the European Commission in investment arbitration; the indirect effect of the principle of effectiveness of EU law on international arbitration; the importance of national rules and economic interests in the application of EU conflict-of-law rules; etc.


External activities

  • External legal expert for Spain in projects of DG Markt (European Commission) (via Tipik Legal)
  • Consultant on international business law and arbitration (legal expert opinions, counsel, arbitrator)
  • Qualified solicitor (England & Wales) and abogado (Spain) [–non-practising–]



  • Private International Law
  • Contract Law
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • Insurance Law


  • K Law (General)
  • Arbitration
  • commercial law
  • private international law
  • EU law


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