No photo of Oleksandra Prysyazhna

Oleksandra Prysyazhna


  • 1649

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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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  • 1 Similar Profiles
  • Genetic mechanisms of critical illness in Covid-19

    Pairo-Castineira, E., Clohisey, S., Klaric, L., Bretherick, A. D., Rawlik, K., Pasko, D., Walker, S., Parkinson, N., Fourman, M. H., Russell, C. D., Furniss, J., Richmond, A., Gountouna, E., Wrobel, N., Harrison, D., Wang, B., Wu, Y., Meynert, A., Griffiths, F. & Oosthuyzen, W. & 247 others, Kousathanas, A., Moutsianas, L., Yang, Z., Zhai, R., Zheng, C., Grimes, G., Beale, R., Millar, J., Shih, B., Keating, S., Zechner, M., Haley, C., Porteous, D. J., Hayward, C., Yang, J., Knight, J., Summers, C., Shankar-Hari, M., Klenerman, P., Turtle, L., Ho, A., Moore, S. C., Hinds, C., Horby, P., Nichol, A., Maslove, D., Ling, L., McAuley, D., Montgomery, H., Walsh, T., Pereira, A., Renieri, A., Millar, J., Walsh, T., Openshaw, P. J. M., Ponting, C., Meikle, J., Finernan, P., Mcmaster, E., Law, A., Baillie, J. K., Paterson, T., Wackett, T., Armstrong, R., Clark, R., Coutts, A., Donnelly, L., Gilchrist, T., Hafezi, K., Macgillivray, L., Maclean, A., McCafferty, S., Morrice, K., Weaver, J., Boz, C., Golightly, A., Ward, M., Mal, H., Szoor-McElhinney, H., Brown, A., Hendry, R., Stenhouse, A., Cullum, L., Law, D., Law, S., Law, R., Swets, M., Day, N., Taneski, F., Duncan, E., Parkinson, N., Collier, D., Wood, S., Zak, A., Borra, C., Matharu, M., May, P., Alldis, Z., Mitchelmore, O., Bowles, R., Easthorpe, A., Bibi, F., Lancoma-Malcolm, I., Gurasashvili, J., Pheby, J., Shiel, J., Bolton, M., Patel, M., Taylor, M., Zongo, O., Ebano, P., Harding, P., Astin-Chamberlain, R., Choudhury, Y., Cox, A., Kallon, D., Burton, M., Hall, R., Blowes, S., Prime, Z., Biddle, J., Prysyazhna, O., Newman, T., Tierney, C., Kassam, J., Ostermann, M., Campos, S., Bociek, A., Lim, R., Grau, N., Jones, T. O., Whitton, C., Marotti, M., Arbane, G., Bonner, S., Hugill, K., Welters, I., Waugh, V., Roman, J. F., Martinez, M. L., Waite, A., Hamilton, O., Mulla, S., McPhail, M., Smith, J., Baillie, J. K., Barclay, L., McCulloch, C., McQuillan, L., Singleton, J., Priestley, K., Rea, N., Callaghan, M., Andrew, G., Hutton, P., Bashyal, A., Davidson, N., Summers, C., Polgarova, P., Stroud, K., Pathan, N., Elston, K., Battle, C., Newey, L., Rees, T., Harford, R., Brinkworth, E., Croft, M., Bandla, N., Gellamucho, M., Turner, H., Quinn, A., Hussain, I., Bradley, R., Griffiths, R., Scriven, J., Puxty, A., Cathcart, S., Salutous, D., Duffy, K., Puxty, K., Joseph, A., Herdman-Grant, R., Simms, R., Swain, A., Naranjo, A., Crowe, R., Sollesta, K., Loveridge, A., Baptista, D., Morino, E., Davey, M., Golden, D., Cuesta, J. M., Haldeos, A., Bakthavatsalam, D., Elhassan, M., Xavier, K., Ganesan, A., Abdelrazik, D. P. M., Akeroyd, L., Bano, S., Bromley, M., Sellick, K., Gurr, L., Nagarajan, V., Szedlak, P., Cupitt, J., Stoddard, E., Benham, L., Slawson, N., Bradshaw, Z., Caswell, M., Melling, S., Bamford, P., Cawley, K., Jeffrey, H., London, E., Sainsbury, H., Nagra, I., Nasir, F., Dunmore, C., Abraheem, A., Al-Moasseb, M., Girach, R., Brantwood, C., Alexander, P., Bradley-Potts, J., Felton, T., Manna, S., Farnell-Ward, S., Leaver, S., Queiroz, J., Maccacari, E., Dawson, D., Delgado, C. C., Saluzzio, R. P., Ezeobu, O., Ding, L., Sicat, C., Kanu, R., Investigators, T. G., Consortium, G., co-investigators, G., team, C. M. A. L., team, D. A., Barts Health NHS Trust London, U., Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital London, U., James Cook University Hospital Middlesburgh, U., The Royal Liverpool University Hospital Liverpool, U., King’s College Hospital London, U., Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Edinburgh, U., John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford, U., Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, U., Morriston Hospital Swansea, U., Ashford and St Peter’s Hospital Surrey, U., Royal Stoke University Hospital Staffordshire, U., Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, U., Glasgow Royal Infirmary Glasgow, U., Kingston Hospital Surrey, U., The Tunbridge Wells Hospital and Maidstone Hospital Kent, U., North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust London, U., Bradford Royal Infirmary Bradford, U., Blackpool Victoria Hospital Blackpool, U., Countess of Chester Hospital Chester, U., Wythenshawe Hospital Manchester, U. & St George’s Hospital London, U., 11 Dec 2020, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Nature.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    882 Citations (Scopus)
  • Disulfide-activated protein kinase G Iα regulates cardiac diastolic relaxation and fine-tunes the Frank–Starling response

    Scotcher, J., Prysyazhna, O., Boguslavskyi, A., Kistamas, K., Hadgraft, N., Martin, E. D., Worthington, J., Rudyk, O., Rodriguez Cutillas, P., Cuello, F., Shattock, M. J., Marber, M. S., Conte, M. R., Greenstein, A., Greensmith, D. J., Venetucci, L., Timms, J. F. & Eaton, P., 26 Oct 2016, In: Nature Communications. 7, 1, 11 p., 13187.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    34 Citations (Scopus)
    197 Downloads (Pure)
  • cGMP-Dependent Activation of Protein Kinase G Precludes Disulfide Activation Implications for Blood Pressure Control

    Burgoyne, J., Prysyazhna, O., Rudyk, O. & Eaton, P., Nov 2012, In: Hypertension. 60, 5, p. 1301-1308 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    66 Citations (Scopus)