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Oliver Holland


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Personal profile

Biographical details

Dr. Oliver Holland led the €3m ICT-ACROPOLIS Network of Excellence—on the topic of spectrum coexistence technologies such as cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access—from March 2012 until that project completed in December 2013. He then moved on to lead a major trial of TV white space technology as part of the UK’s Ofcom TV White Spaces Pilot. Through that initiative, he was prominently involved in assessing the performance of the proposed UK/EU regulations and conformance requirements for TV white space devices. Linked to that effort and more generally, he is researching potential solutions for TV white space implementation, white space device capabilities, enhancements of geolocation databases and their applications (also for other purposes outside of TV white space), and solutions for aggregation of spectrum opportunities involving TV white space, among others. As one example of achievements linked to such efforts, he recently created and led an idea/submission for the EU €0.5m Collaborative Spectrum Sharing Prize, which won the prize. These are among numerous other interests spanning all layers of the OSI reference model, evident from his publications.

Oliver is Chair of the new IEEE 1918.1 standardisation working group on Tactile Internet, which he created. He is Vice-Chair and a Leadership Member of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC), is Vice-Chair and member of IEEE 1900.1, Chair and member of IEEE 1900.6, Vice-Chair and member of IEEE 1900.7, and Vice-Chair of IEEE 802.22 and the IEEE 802.22.3 standard on spectrum sensing. He is Chair of the new IEEE Standards Committee on Mobile Networks (MobiNet). Oliver was a Technical Editor of the IEEE 1900.4 standard, and was Technical Editor of the IEEE 1900.1a and IEEE 1900.6a standards. He was a Management Committee member representing the UK for the recently-completed COST Actions IC0902 and IC0905 “TERRA”, holding various leadership positions therein, both on the topic of cognitive radio. Oliver has served on the TPCs of all major conferences in the area of mobile and wireless communications, has served as Session Chair and Panellist at numerous conferences covering a range of topics, and frequently serves as reviewer for various prestigious international conferences and journals. Oliver has assumed leadership positions in numerous international workshops, conferences, and journals. Among many examples, he was a guest editor of the special issue “Achievements and the Road Ahead: The First Decade of Cognitive Radio,” which appeared in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Co-Chair of the “Cognitive Radio and Cooperative Communications” track of IEEE VTC 2010-Fall, Tutorials Co-Chair of IEEE CCNC 2012, TPC Co-Chair of ISWCS 2012, tutorials Co-Chair of ACM MSWiM 2012, Co-Chair of the “Transmission Technologies” track of IEEE VTC 2013-Spring, Co-Chair of the “Wireless Access” track at IEEE VTC 2013-Fall and the “International Perspectives on Communications” track of IEEE MILCOM 2013, Workshops and Tutorials Co-Chair of IEEE PIMRC 2013, Workshops Co-Chair of ISWCS 2014, Co-Chair of the “Spectrum Efficient Management, Sensing and Cognitive Radio” track of IEEE VTC 2015-Spring, Publications Co-Chair and Local Arrangements Chair of IEEE ICC 2015, Posters Chair of IEEE DySPAN 2015, Workshops Chair of ISWCS 2016 and is Co-Chair of the “Dynamic Spectrum Access/Management and Database” track of CROWNCOM 2016, and lead Co-Chair of the Cognitive Radio and Networks track of IEEE ICC 2017. Oliver is an Editor of IEEE TVT.

Oliver serves as Vice-Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN), and is currently Chair of the United Kingdom and Ireland Chapter of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS), and well as Chapters Committee Chair for the entire IEEE VTS—thereby also being a board member of the VTS. Oliver is also a Non-Executive Director of Broadway Partners, a wireless broadband provisioning company using innovative methods such as TV White Spaces, and runs a consultancy company specialising in wireless communications solutions. Oliver has co-authored over 150 publications, which have been cited more than 1,000 times. He has authored/co-edited two books, published by Wiley and Springer.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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