Paul Breeze

Paul Breeze


Personal profile

Research interests

NOTE: This is Paul's former student account, for present research outputs see his Staff page.

Paul was a NERC-funded PhD candidate at King’s College London, working on a GIS-based analysis of potential routes of dispersal for Hominins through the Arabian Peninsula.

His PhD research focused on the reconstruction of palaeohydrological networks using GIS, remotely sensed data and palaeoenvironmental proxies, and the examination of spatio-temporal relationships between these networks and the archaeological record. These analyses had the objective of examining routes which may have been available for hominins to disperse into and within the Arabian peninsula by mapping former rivers and palaeolakes, and exploring the changing availability of potential freshwater ‘corridors’ over time in response to the climatic fluctuations of the Middle to Late Pleistocene.

Paul has a background in landscape archaeology, GIS, and terrestrial archaeological and geophysical survey, formerly being employed by the VISTA (Visual and Spatial Technology) Centre of the department of Archaeology and Antiquity at the University of Birmingham. Beyond hominin dispersals across the Saharo-Arabian desert belt and the evolution and dispersal of anatomically modern humans, his further research interests include site prospection and landscape-scale archaeological assessments using remote sensing, GIS and terrestrial survey.

Research interests (short)

NOTE: This is Paul's former student account, for present research outputs see his Staff page

Palaeohydrology and Hominin dispersals within the Arabian Peninsula

Member of the Earth and Environmental Dynamics research group.



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