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Chun Chung Cheung


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    Personal profile

    Research interests

    My research interest lies in understanding how students learn anatomy, what behaviours they exhibit when assisted by different technologies and how we can best utilise different technolgies to make student's learning more effective. Specifically, I focus on 3D printed models and VR. 

    Education/Academic qualification

    Anatomy Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating the efficacy of three dimensionally printed models in anatomy teaching and learning using a design-based research paradigm, University of Hong Kong

    Award Date: 20 Nov 2021

    Human Anatomy, Master of Science, 3D printing for the improvement of patient consultation and consent in hand surgery, University of Edinburgh

    Award Date: 1 Dec 2017

    Anatomy and Human Biology, Bachelor of Science, INVESTIGATING THE USE OF LATEX FOR THE DISPLAY OF VASCULATURE IN THIEL EMBALMED CADAVERS, University of Liverpool

    Award Date: 10 Jul 2015


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