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Biographical details

Dr Shirin Jamshidi's interest in computational research has taken her from experimental studies in the Lab to computational research since her Ph.D. program in Medical Nanotechnology under supervision of Prof. Hashem Rafii-Tabar. In her Ph.D. research project, she applied biomolecular simulation programs, scripting, and programming to study the protein structure and function. 


Shirin worked as a researcher with Prof. Alison Rodger's Biophysical Chemistry research group at the University of Warwick. Her primary research goal was directed toward understanding of the different binding modes of interaction between DNA and dyes as anticancer targets using computational and spectroscopic methods. Also, she performed diverse computational approaches such as molecular dynamics simulations, molecular docking, protein-protein interactions, simulated annealing etc. for supporting some other projects running at the Chemistry and Biology departments. Then she worked as a research associate at King's College London. As a Computational Biochemist and Biophysicist, her research scope at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (IPS) was on drug design, discovery, and development by targeting diverse protein molecules, DNA sequences involved in cancer, antibacterial resistance, antifungal resistance, antivirals, etc. computationally. During acdemic year 2021~22 she worked as a Teaching Fellow in Pharmacy at School of Cancer & Pharmeceutical Science of King's College London.


Since November 2022, she has been a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Bioinformatics at the Comprehensive Cancer Center of King's College London.

Research interests (short)

i) Computational Biology;  OMICs Big Data Analysis ii) Computational Chemistry; Molecular Dynamics Simulations iii) Machine Learning; Systems Biology & Drug Design, Discovery & Development.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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