Sofia Cumming

Sofia Cumming


Personal profile

Biographical details

Prior to joining King’s College London as Lecturer in German, Dr Sofia Cumming held positions as an Associate Lecturer in German at the University of St Andrews, where she also contributed to the Comparative Literature programme, and as an Associate Tutor in Literature at the University of East Anglia. In 2022, she was recognized as an Associate Fellow of AdvanceHE.

Sofia completed her CHASE-funded PhD at the University of East Anglia in 2022, where she was based at the School of Literature, Drama & Creative Writing. During her time as a PhD candidate, she was a DAAD-funded visiting scholar at the Humboldt University of Berlin as well as an affiliated researcher and grant recipient at the Marc Bloch Centre for Franco-German Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. She holds a BA in Comparative Literature from the University of Kent and a Master of Studies in Modern Languages from the University of Oxford.

Research interests

Sofia Cumming’s research predominantly focuses on modern and contemporary Germanophone literature, culture and thought, with an emphasis on transnational and comparative methods of critical inquiry. She has worked extensively on Franco-German literary and philosophical exchanges of the inter- and post-war period – in particular the life, writings and legacy of Walter Benjamin.

Her research interests encompass:

  • Franco-German Cultural and Intellectual Relations
  • Feuilletonism and Visual Cultures of the Weimar Republic
  • Exile and Migration Literature
  • Transnational and Multilingual Writing
  • Theories and Philosophies of Translation
  • Global Modernisms
  • Dada and Surrealism

Education/Academic qualification

Literature, Doctor of Philosophy, University of East Anglia

Award Date: 2 Dec 2022

Modern Languages (German), Master of Studies, University of Oxford

Award Date: 23 Jul 2016

Comparative Literature, Bachelor of Arts, University of Kent

Award Date: 16 Jul 2015


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