Personal profile

Biographical details

I am a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, working on my postdoctoral project, ‘Information Dissemination and Contested Memory: The Third Crusade, 1187–1300’. Prior to joining King’s in 2019, I was a Past & Present Fellow (2017–19) at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London, which allowed me to finish my first book, Emotions in a Crusading Context, 1095–1291 (Oxford, 2019), and commence work on the memorialisation of the Third Crusade. I completed my BA (History), MA (Islam and the West), and PhD at Queen Mary University of London; following the award of the latter in 2015, I was Postdoctoral Research Assistant on a collaborative project between QMUL and The National Archives, ‘1217: The Making of Medieval England’. I am a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


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