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Wainwright, S.P. Williams, C. Cribb, A. Farsides, C. & Michael, M. Bourdieu and the biopolitics of embryonic stem cell labs in the UK & USA: notes from the field on the field of stem cell research. Vital Politics II: Health, Medicine, and Bioeconomics into the 21st Century, BIOS, London School of Economics,
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
Sept 2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. Williams, C. Michael, M. Cribb, A. & Farsides, C. Stem cells as a revolution in regenerative medicine? Shifting expectations and the quest to cure diabetes as an exemplar of boundary-work in action. BSA Medical Sociology Conference, Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
Sept 2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. & Williams, C. (2006) Ethical postures, ethical worlds? Sociological reflections on the ethics of stem cells and cell transplantation ‘Ethical worlds of stem cell medicine’, invited conference, University of California Berkeley / University of California San Francisco (UCB/UCSF)
Wainwright, S. (Keynote/plenary speaker)
Sept 2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Williams, C. Wainwright, S.P. & Ehrich, K. Boundary objects, bodies and humanness: ethnographic reflections on embryos, stem cells and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology) Conference, ‘Reviewing Humanness: Bodies, Technologies & Spaces’ University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
Aug 2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. Williams, C. & Michael, M. Spaces of stem cell science: expectations and the moral economies of scientific knowledge, EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology) Conference, ‘Reviewing Humanness: Bodies, Technologies & Spaces’ University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
Aug 2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. Williams, C. Cribb, A. Farsides, C. & Michael, M. Genomic & genetic discourses on human embryonic stem cells: an international ethnography of laboratory science, Third International Conference: CSG (NL) & CESAgen (UK) ‘Genomics & Society: towards a socially robust science’, Amsterdam,
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
Apr 2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. Moral economies of scientific knowledge: some thoughts on the spaces of stem cell science, RGS-IBG (Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, The Royal Geographical Society, London
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. Williams, C. Persaud, S. & Jones, P. Real science, biological bodies and stem cells: reflections of a geographer on constructing images of beta cells in the biomedical science lab, ‘Conversations across the divide - The limits to knowledge: uncertainty and unrepresentability’, RGS-IBG (Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, The Royal Geographical Society, London
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. & Williams, C. (2006) Social science research on stem cell science: a view from the UK, Science & Technology Studies Consortium (STSC), University of California Berkeley (UCB)
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. Can Bourdieu help us? Discussant for the session The Geographies of Life Itself, RGS-IBG (Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, The Royal Geographical Society, London
Wainwright, S. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Wainwright, S.P. (2006) Embryonic stem cells: social science perspectives on the prospects and problems of regenerative medicine. DECIDE: The origins of stem cells, Science Museum DANA Centre, London
Wainwright, S. (Keynote/plenary speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference