William Tullett

William Tullett


Personal profile

Biographical details

William studied for a BA in History at the University of Oxford, Mansfield College, before coming to King's College London to study on the MA in Eighteenth-century Studies. Since September 2013 he has been a PhD student in the History department at King's College London.

He can be contacted at [email protected] .

Research interests

The main focus of Will's research is the history of the senses, in particular smell. His research combines approaches from studies of material culture, the body, gender, literary theory and the history of science and medicine. It also draws on the growing interdisciplinary literature on the senses. He is interested in tracing the meaning of smells in different contexts, utilising sensory history as a means to approach many different fields of historical enquiry. Will's PhD is a study of smells and smelling in eighteenth-century Britain. This covers smell in a number of contexts including in relation to sociability, religion, material culture, pacific exploration, the practical 'public sphere', as well as ideas of gender, class and race.

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, Eighteenth century studies, King's College London

Award Date: 1 Jan 2013

Bachelor of Arts, History, University of Oxford

Award Date: 1 Jan 2012


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