A comparison of delmopinol and chlorhexidine on plaque regrowth over a 4-day period and salivary bacterial counts

J Moran, M Addy, W G Wade, J H Maynard, S E Roberts, M Aström, R Movert

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    47 Citations (Scopus)


    Delmopinol has been considered as a potential agent for the chemical control of plaque. The aims of these studies were to measure the effects of a 0.2% delmopinol hydrochloride mouthrinse on (1) plaque reformation and (2) salivary bacterial counts. Comparisons were made with a 0.2% chlorhexidine rinse and a placebo rinse. A group of 12 male volunteers took part in the plaque study which was of a double blind, randomised, 3 cell, cross-over design. From a zero plaque baseline subjects rinsed, 2x a day, under supervision, for 1 min with 10-ml volumes of the allocated rinse. After 4 days, during which no other form of oral hygiene was performed, plaque was scored by area and index. Plaque results were significantly lower with chlorhexidine and delmopinol compared with control, and with chlorhexidine compared to delmopinol. Side-effects with delmopinol were transient tingling and numbness of the tongue in some subjects. A 2nd group of 12 male volunteers received single, 1-min rinses of the 3 formulations. Salivary bacterial counts were determined immediately before and up to 420 min after rinsing. Compared to the control rinse, chlorhexidine significantly reduced bacterial counts of 420 min. Delmopinol produced a small reduction in bacterial counts which was only significantly different from control at one time point. Delmopinol deserves further evaluation as a chemical plaque inhibitor, particularly when used as an adjunct to normal toothcleaning.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberN/A
    Pages (from-to)749-753
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of Clinical Periodontology
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 1992

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