A Practical Taxonomy of TAS-related Usecase Scenarios

Peta Masters, Victoria Young, Alan Chamberlain, Sachini Weerawardhana, Peter E. McKenna, Yang Lu, Liz Dowthwaite, Paul Luff, Luc Moreau

Research output: Contribution to conference typesAbstractpeer-review


This paper proposes a taxonomy of experimental usecase scenarios to facilitate research into trustworthy autonomous systems (TAS). Unable to identify an open-access repository of usecases to support our research, the project team embarked on development of an online library where fellow researchers would be able to find, share and recommend usecases to other practitioners in the field. To organise the library’s content, we needed a taxonomy and, informed by a commitment to responsible research and innovation (RRI), we prioritised stakeholder involvement to shape its development. Conflict arose, however, between the project team’s objective—a rigorous taxonomy focused on surfacing genuine “benchmarks” that can be used to test a multiplicity of variables in a range of domains under differing experimental conditions—and stakeholder expectation that the library would provide details of particular studies and results. How then can we reconcile project requirements with stakeholder preferences? A practical solution has to be found.


ConferenceFirst International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • taxonomy
  • trust
  • autonomous systems


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