Anabolic potential of bone mineral in human periosteal fibroblasts using steroid markers of healing

A Suchak, M Soory

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3 Citations (Scopus)


A deproteinized natural cancellous bone mineral (B) was studied in a cell culture model for its anabolic potential using two radiolabelled steroid substrates, 14C-testosterone (14C-T) and 14C-4-androstenedione (14C-4-A) independently; in the presence or absence of the anti-androgen finasteride (F) and minocycline (M). Culture medium was assayed for the biologically active metabolite 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a marker of regenerative potential and wound healing. Confluent monolayer cultures of human periosteal fibroblasts were incubated in Eagle’s minimum essential medium with each of the substrates 14C-T and 14C-4-A. Incubations were performed with previously established optimal concentrations of B5 (milligrams/ml), M25 (μg/ml) and F5 (μg/ml) alone and in combination (n = 6) for 24 h. The eluent was solvent extracted with ethyl acetate (2mlx2) and subjected to TLC in a benzene/acetone solvent system (4:1 v/v) for separation of metabolites; they were quantified using a radioisotope scanner. The yield of DHT was increased over controls in response to B and M with both substrates 14C-T and 14C-4-A by 1.7, 1.8-fold and 1.7, 1.6-fold respectively (n = 6; p < 0.001; one way ANOVA). Combined incubations of B and M resulted in similar yields. F inhibited DHT yields with both radiolabelled substrates by 2–3-fold (n = 6; p < 0.001) which was overcome by a combined incubation of F + B to values similar to those of controls (p < 0.01). Documented pro-anabolic effects of minocycline were applicable as a standard for confirmation of responses to B. Significant increases in yields of DHT in response to B and M with both substrates indicate their anabolic potential in periosteal fibroblasts with implications for wound healing.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)462-467
Number of pages6
Issue number5
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - May 2013


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