Axon guidance in the developing ocular motor system and Duane retraction syndrome depends on Semaphorin signaling via alpha2-chimaerin

Juan E. Ferrario, Pranetha Baskaran, Christopher Clark, Aenea Hendry, Oleg Lerner, Mark Hintze, James Allen, John K. Chilton, Sarah Guthrie

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43 Citations (Scopus)


Eye movements depend on correct patterns of connectivity between cranial motor axons and the extraocular muscles. Despite the clinical importance of the ocular motor system, little is known of the molecular mechanisms underlying its development. We have recently shown that mutations in the Chimaerin-1 gene encoding the signaling protein alpha 2-chimaerin (alpha 2-chn) perturb axon guidance in the ocular motor system and lead to the human eye movement disorder, Duane retraction syndrome (DRS). The axon guidance cues that lie upstream of alpha 2-chn are unknown; here we identify candidates to be the Semaphorins (Sema) 3A and 3C, acting via the PlexinA receptors. Sema3A/C are expressed in and around the developing extraocular muscles and cause growth cone collapse of oculomotor neurons in vitro. Furthermore, RNAi knockdown of alpha 2-chn or PlexinAs in oculomotor neurons abrogates Sema3A/C-dependent growth cone collapse. In vivo knockdown of endogenous PlexinAs or alpha 2-chn function results in stereotypical oculomotor axon guidance defects, which are reminiscent of DRS, whereas expression of alpha 2-chn gain-of-function constructs can rescue PlexinA loss of function. These data suggest that alpha 2-chn mediates Sema3-PlexinA repellent signaling. We further show that alpha 2-chn is required for oculomotor neurons to respond to CXCL12 and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which are growth promoting and chemoattractant during oculomotor axon guidance. alpha 2-chn is therefore a potential integrator of different types of guidance information to orchestrate ocular motor pathfinding. DRS phenotypes can result from incorrect regulation of this signaling pathway.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14669-14674
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number36
Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2012


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