Brainstorming, modified logframes and the conversion of research hypotheses into field questions: Reflections from team-based fieldwork in eastern India

S Corbridge, G Williams, M Srivastava, R Veron

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper considers some practical problems associated with organising large-scale comparative field research in eastern India. The focus of the paper is on the use of brainstorming and "modified logframes" as two means by which hypotheses about the working of the local state from the point of view of the rural poor could be turned into concrete field questions. The paper is less concerned with ethical and positional issues relating to team-based research in "the tropics" (on this, see Williams et al., 2003a) than with the equally important if apparently more prosaic issues relating to the flawed but necessary search for objectivity and rigour in comparative field studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)242 - 257
Number of pages16
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2003


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