Co-Creating an Expansive Health Care Learning System

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How should practices of co-creation be integrated into health professions education? Although co-creation permits a variety of interpretations, we argue that realizing a transformative vision of co-creation—one that invites professionals to genuinely reconsider the purposes, relationships, norms, and priorities of health care systems through new forms of collaborative thought and practice—will require radically rethinking existing approaches to professional education. The meaningful enactment of co-creative roles and practices requires health professionals and students to negotiate competing traditions, pressures, and expectations. We therefore suggest that the development of what we call an “expansive health care learning system” is crucial for supporting learners in meeting the challenges of establishing genuinely co-creative health care systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1099-1105
JournalAmerican Medical Association Journal of Ethics
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017


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