CRIMSON: Cardiovascular Integrated Modelling and Simulation Package

Research output: Other contribution


CRIMSON is a software package for computational haemodynamics simulation, providing a complete pipeline for medical imaging volume data (MRI or CT), through blood vessel segmentation, mesh generation, boundary condition design and specification, simulation, and results visualisation. The incompressible Navier-Stokes flowsolver has been shown to scale well to tens of thousands of CPU cores, enabling whole-body scale blood flow simulation studies, and it has been used in what we believe to be the longest – in the total simulated real-time sense – simulation of 3D blood flow performed to-date. Example applications include CRIMSON’s use use in pre-operative surgical planning in a Fontan patient, and to study of the impact of various endograft designs on hemodynamics. It has an active global user community, and is the topic of multiple workshops at international conferences each year.
Original languageEnglish
TypeCRIMSON Software Package
Media of outputBinary Executable
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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