Derivation of the King's College London human embryonic stem cell lines

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Since the derivation of the first human embryonic stem cell (hESC) line in 1998, there has been substantial interest in the potential of these cells for regenerative medicine and cell therapy and in the use of hESCs carrying clinically relevant genetic mutations as models for disease research and therapeutic target identification. There is still a need to improve derivation efficiency and further the understanding of the basic biology of these cells and to develop clinical grade culture systems with the aim of producing cell lines suitable for subsequent manipulation for therapy. The derivation of initial hESC lines at King's College London is discussed here, with focus on derivation methodology. Each of the derivations was distinctive. Although the stage and morphology of each blastocyst were generally similar in each attempt, the behaviour of the colonies was unpredictable; colony morphology and development was different with each attempt. Days 5, 6 and 7 blastocysts were used successfully, and the number of days until appearance of stem-like cells varied from 4 to 14 d. Routine characterisation analyses were performed on three lines, all of which displayed appropriate marker expression and survived cryopreservation-thaw cycles. From the lines discussed, four are at various stages of the deposition process with the UKSCB, one is pending submission and two are unsuitable for banking. Continued open and transparent reporting of results and collaborations will maximise the efficiency of derivation and facilitate the development of standardised protocols for the derivation and early culture of hESC lines.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)178 - 185
Number of pages8
JournalIn Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Animal
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2010


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