Introducing peer observation of teaching to GP teachers: a questionnaire study

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In medical education programmes which rely on clinical teachers spread across diverse sites, the application of peer observation of teaching offers the potential of both supporting teachers and maintaining quality. This paper reports on a questionnaire survey carried out with general practitioner (GP) teachers of medical undergraduate students from King's College London School of Medicine at Guy's, King's College and St Thomas’ Hospitals. The aim of the study was to determine GP teachers’ views on a proposed programme of peer observation of their teaching. The majority of GP teachers identified benefits of the proposed scheme with 69% saying it would help improve the education of future doctors. However, despite seeing the benefits, less than half wished to take part in the programme. Two thirds cited time and paperwork as major disincentives to taking part and 62% said that they felt it would make them feel under scrutiny. No associations were found between measures of workload and willingness to take part. This suggests that a fundamental fear of scrutiny and criticism may be the main hurdle to be overcome in implementing the scheme. Imposing peer observation on GP teachers in the form proposed could create suspicion and distance between the university department and practice-based GP teachers and may even result in a loss of teachers. The introduction of peer observation is more likely to be successful if GPs’ apprehensions are addressed. Using peer observation to strengthen the process of quality assurance may undermine its role in the support and development of clinical teachers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e68-e73
Number of pages6
JournalMedical Teacher
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2006


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